Ashley Gibbs's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards, Outright Geekery Reviews: 83
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Adventure Time Comics #11

May 17, 2017

Overall, I had a great experience reading this title and may even come back for more when I want to relax and have a laugh.

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Archie (2015) #1

Mar 23, 2017

Overall I really enjoyed reaching Archie #1.It was fun and I read it quicker than I expected to because I enjoying myself so much. It didn't take itself too seriously while at the same time staying grounded in realism. At the end of the story, readers are also treated to the first ever Archie comic which is very different from the book itself and even most versions of Archie I personally know. However, even then it's clear to see how these characters started and what makes them who they are today. It's been a long journey for this redhead and his friends and this series promises to take them on a brand new ride.

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Archie (2015) #2

Mar 23, 2017

This series so far has some amazing writing and artwork to go with it, it's high quality Archie. Unlike a lot of older books where you could just pick up one and start off at any point this is a continuing story, I highly recommend the first issue and then grabbing Archie #2 and enjoying it. The characters retain their charm that has made readers fall in love with them for so many decades. As a bonus, there is a 1940's short story featuring Archie, Jughead and Reggie. Different era, different writers but it's clear that the wholesome nature that permeated these stories shines through in this modern retelling.

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Archie (2015) #3

Mar 28, 2017

This series offers a great read, filled with real emotions and plenty of humor. While I looked forward to Archie #3 I was a little personally let down by the depiction of Veronica, but she has plenty of time to grow on me. As a bonus, at the end of the book there is an old Archie comic, when Veronica was first introduced in 1942. While she doesn't have as much attitude as in this new version, she is still rich and an influential lady that Archie wants to spend time with. It's a great read juxtaposed against this modern retelling.

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Archie (2015) #4

Mar 28, 2017

Now that Archie #4 has answered one of the most burning questions in the series, things can only move forward. Despite the break up, it's clear both parties still have feelings for one another but they also are open to moving on or at least trying to do so. Another classic Archie story is also included in this issue, this one tackling Archie going on a "date" with Betty, who likes him but he doesn't notice. Mirroring the story just told, Archie puts his foot in his mouth and bungles things with Betty. I find the parallels between these new and old stories to be one of the highlights of this series for sure.

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Archie (2015) #5

Apr 11, 2017

I felt this was a very solid issue. No matter if you're pulling for Archie to be with Betty or Veronica, the romantic triangle is much more realistic than in classic stories. I'm eagerly awaiting for everyone to come together as friends but am enjoying the road these characters are taking to get there. As always, the issue comes with a bonus classic Archie story. This one is from 1948 showcasing how even then Reggie was a bit of a jerk. Also, Archie is a loveable goofball going to great lengths to impress a lady. In the case of this older story it's Veronica. A great comparison piece to the modern story being told. Archie #5 delivers another good read for fans and leaves you wanting more.

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Archie (2015) #6

Apr 14, 2017

Each issue of this new revival series leaves readers wanting more and Archie #6 is no different. A classic feud between Mr. Lodge and our redheaded hero is about to find its spark which may or may not spell the end for his relationship with Veronica. As usual, this issue also includes a classic Archie comic, this time from 1945. It focuses mainly on Mr. Andrews and doesn't directly relate to the main story in the issue, but it's funny and cute. Despite older comics having dated lingo and references, they're good to read and I personally feel they help me appreciate this new title more. I enjoyed this issue front to back and think others will too.

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Archie (2015) #7

Apr 20, 2017

Number seven is a joy to read another excellent installment for this revival series.

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Archie (2015) #8

Apr 21, 2017

As per usual, we get a classic Archie story in the last few pages, this story from 1951. It doesn't relate too much to the main story of this issue but it's pretty funny and a perfect example of Archie's signature clumsiness. This new revival series has really helped reignite my love for these characters, every issue I read I've enjoyed and Archie #8 is no exception. Good story that has great pacing with nice artwork, despite not being brimming with comedy from page to page, this issue was a solid read and offered some realistic dilemmas for our fictional cast.

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Archie (2015) #9

Apr 28, 2017

This is certainly a series that continues to deliver great content. Archie #9 gives us another stellar time and it tons of fun to read. We also get the usual classic story, this time from 1963 and it's about Archie being a pain in Mr. Lodge's neck while trying to date his daughter. A very relatable piece given the current nature of the story but even on its own just a good read. I'll keep reading this series as long as I'm able to and recommend it to anyone who is a fan of these characters and some lighthearted storytelling.

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Archie (2015) #10

Apr 29, 2017

Our bonus classic Archie comic this issue is about Archie hanging out with Betty and being a bit annoyed that she's more physically gifted than he is, pretty much focusing on his bruised male ego. It's an amusing read, especially seeing how modern depictions of Betty celebrate her "tomboy" traits rather than make them seem odd. While it doesn't directly relate to the main story on the surface, it is a bit akin to the issues modern-day Archie faces in relation to Betty. But either way, it's a fun read as is the whole issue. I can feel the story is about to take a big shift and hopefully some of the problems hanging over our favorite characters' heads will soon be resolved. This series has been a breath of fresh air and recommend picking it up from the beginning or grabbing a trade paperback collection if possible.

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Archie (2015) #11

May 4, 2017

After reading ten issues of this revival series, Archie #11 is the first one to disappoint me. The story is good and important for the continuity but I feel it could have been told better and the art isn't bad but I do think the facial inconsistencies are. The throwback story is from 1968 and about the Archies, though only consisting of Archie, Jughead and Reggie. It's a fun story, the band is clearly not ready for the stage yet and is missing some key players but does show that music has been important to these characters for a while. I felt this issue was a weaker entry but if you're in the series deep it's worth the read but feels a bit skippable compared to other issues.

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Archie (2015) #12

May 8, 2017

Archie #12 is a good read and despite not being very humorous, it gives us good character development. The classic Archie comic is about Moose and doesn't connect to the main story at all, though it's insanely funny and really helps clean the palate after the somber ending of the main story.

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Archie (2015) #13

May 19, 2017

While seeing our heroes being melancholy isn't very entertaining, Archie #13 approaches the topic in a good way that still leaves readers hopeful things will work out in the end. Cheryl adds a whole new dynamic to the series and gives Veronica something to focus on until she figures out a way to return to Archie. As a bonus, the issue also includes a classic Archie story from 1982, Cheryl and Jason Blossom's first appearance to the series. It's a fun story and Cheryl's personality has evolved since this. You can still tell she's a bit of a troublemaker from her first few panels. Just like she did then, her appearance in this revival series is sure to stir up some trouble -and fun.

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Archie (2015) #17

May 29, 2017

Archie #17 is a nice way to wrap up these past few issues about Cheryl Blossom. She's landed in town and even if she loses this battle she's certainly not done being a trickster. Right now her brother isn't given much to do but be her sidekick but I am hoping that changes in future stories. The last few pages talk about the Riverdale TV show and offers a nice character guide. I must lament the loss of the classic Archie stories that usually ended these issues previously but alas, this trend is no more. Either way, a very good read that I recommend to fans and certainly not an issue to skip.

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Archie (2015) #18

May 29, 2017

I would rank Archie #18 as one of my favorites so far. It blends humor well with character development and serves to move the plot along very well. This also isn't a bad issue for new fans to jump into the series with since it almost feels like things are being rebooted now that Veronica has returned and we have the Blossom twins in town. At the end of the issue there are some pages about the Riverdale TV series that shows us the actors playing our beloved characters though at the time of writing this whole first season has already aired. It's good, I recommend watching it.

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Archie (2015) #19

Jun 4, 2017

If you are a fan of Archie and Veronica as a couple then you will probably enjoy Archie #19. Their affection for one another seems very genuine and organic and I'm happy that they're back on track. The last part of the story features Cheryl and Jason Blossom who seemed to have stumbled upon a family secret, an interesting turn of events. At the end, readers are treated to a preview of Big Moose One-Shot which is a great read. I fully recommend it if you're a fan of the character or just want some fun stories that aren't focused on Archie and his love life for a change.

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Archie (2015) #21

Jun 28, 2017

Archie #21 is a good read, it also ends on a cliffhanger, and next issue will reveal the fate of the character in the hospital.

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Archie (2015) #22

Jul 23, 2017

The tagline for this arc was "everything changes" and I wonder what that means. Can we expect darker, more realistic stories from now on? Will the fun and lighthearted story telling be no more? While I personally don't mind this it's really not what I pick up and issue of Archie for in the long run. Sure, I can accept more series stories being told but in the end when I put down an issue I want to be left feeling happy, that my favorite characters overcame their issues or at least grew as people in a positive way. After reading Archie #22 I was left sad and frustrated. The story as a whole was predictable, even to how it ended which I won't spoil, but no one is in a happy place at any point in this issue or the previous two issues which is a bummer.

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Archie (2015) #23

Sep 4, 2017

While I mainly read Archie books for lighthearted stories, the amazing writing and artwork presented here make this one of my favorite issues in this new series so far.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #8

May 24, 2017

Batman Beyond #8 ended with a great cliffhanger, while it wasn't entirely shocking if you keep up with the Batman mythos, it's an interesting turn of events that left me wanting to know more. If you're not already into this series, this is a good issue to draw you in. I know I'll be keeping up to see where this story takes the characters if only to see how the Ra's Al Ghul story arc ends. I recommend grabbing this issue if you were a fan of the cartoon series or are just a Batman fan in general, it's fun to see Terry having to deal with a lot of the messes that Bruce created in his glory days.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #9

Jul 27, 2017

It's never easy to come to terms with aging and death, and as a fan, it's hard to see Bruce Wayne being old -and not Batman. It was a concept that took time for me to come to terms with when the show first aired and I had to learn to like Terry and Batman Beyond #9 once again drives the point home. It was also interesting to see two characters I like, Terry and Damian, battle because if you asked me to pick who should be Batman, I'm not sure how I would answer. But I am enjoying where the story takes both characters.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #10

Jul 27, 2017

Family drama is always messy; this isn't a simple situation that can anyone can punch their way through. This is a confrontation long overdue. There is also the issue of Terry's suit going full rouge and of course Damian's over-the-top plan. Batman Beyond #10 helps to set up things for a thrilling conclusion though I can't predict what that might be. As much as I enjoy a good fight seen I do love backstory, especially for characters I care about. This was a good read and while it helps to read at least the previous two, which makes a good starting point for new readers.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #11

Sep 4, 2017

Despite being underwhelmed with the conclusion of this story, Batman Beyond #11 and previous issues were fun to read because I am biased towards Damian Wayne and the drama he has with his father. While the superhero blow up the world storyline was fine, it seemed tacked on as the meat of the issue is Damian's feelings about his father and Terry being the new Batman. If you've been following along with this arc then this is a good issue to grab, if you're a fan of Batman and son as I am, it's also a good read but if you're a fan of Terry he doesn't do much here at all. As a fan of the old TV show that shares the same name, I was a bit disappointed.

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Betty & Veronica Double Digest #251

Feb 20, 2017

Archie books have a history of being an easy and lighthearted read for fans of any age and this digest is no exception. While some of the stories might be a bit dated in terms of subject matters or how the characters react, for the most part these are simple timeless tales that create a feel-good moment. I'm a fan of their friendship and how different Betty and Veronica are as people yet still care about one another and while I am biased in my feelings over these friends fighting over the same guy, this digest balances out that and their friendship well. I recommend picking up this title, sitting back with a warm cup of tea and having a few laughs.

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Clue #1

Jun 28, 2017

One thing Clue #1 did right was make want to know more. Why did Mr. Boddy invite these people? Why was he killed? Does everyone have a shady history? Are they all being blackmailed? Is Communism just a red herring? While I would have liked more information in this issue, at least to help me care that Mr. Boddy was even dead or care about the characters in general, the pieces for a good mystery are there. I also liked the addition of Dr. Orchid and the two police detectives who show up after the murder. More characters hopefully mean more interesting stories to tell and plot points to weave together. The writers also manage to add in humor and jokes fans of the game will enjoy so I think this is a decent first issue and a series to keep an eye on as it continues.

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Clue #2

Jul 19, 2017

As the plot thickens in Clue #2, my interest in this series grows. I want to know why Mr. Boddy has a room filled with blackmail material. I need to know who Mr. Boddy was. I need to know more about all the characters as well. Despite the fact that some of them are downright annoying, they're all hiding secrets and secrets make things interesting. Despite the story being about murder and other devious deeds, the story remains funny and event at some moments lighthearted. I think I liked this issue more than the first one and expect each installment will be better than the last.

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Clue #3

Aug 10, 2017

While I get a few laughs out of the series, so far I'm not enjoying it as much as I hoped. It's a mystery that doesn't really let readers play detective and it's a comedy that isn't really funny. Some moments are but the writing is a lot better when it focuses on being a bit more serious. While the twist ending for Clue #3 wasn't shocking to me, it will hopefully open up more story opportunity in the two last issues. Right now, most of the characters aren't being developed or focused much on and I only know the surface information for both which is a pity. I know it's a short series but I hope everything ties together neatly and gives the characters more personalities; unless they're just all cannon fodder.

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Clue #4

Sep 14, 2017

Clue #4 feels like a placeholder which hopefully leads to a dramatic conclusion. New information has been added, which is important in a whodunnit, however, I want more out of the cast. They have personalities, lives, motivations and are all connected even if only by the McGuffin flower yet they spend most of the time separated or talking to themselves. At this rate, when the big reveal happens most of them will be dead, except for the sassy butler who is not Tim Curry. Less butler, more story, please.

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Empowered and the Soldier of Love #2

Apr 11, 2017

Overall I enjoyed Empowered and the Soldier of Love #2, I was attracted by the cover art and that its main heros were female. As a fan of magical girl anime and manga I couldn't help but give it a read. This issue has humor and the bulk of the story of this miniseries, though I look forward to how everything is wrapped up in issue three. I recommend giving all three issues a read, especially if you're a fan of female superheroes and magical girl tropes. The solid writing and eye-catching art held my attention through each page.

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Empowered and the Soldier of Love #3

May 4, 2017

The mini-series was fun with lovely artwork. It'sa light hearted read and especially amusing for fans of the magical girl genre or anime/manga in general. However,I feel the story could have gone farther. This does, however, serve as a good vehicle for anyone who wants to read more about the character Empowered, her friends, in the main series.

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Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings #2

Jul 12, 2017

I enjoy reading this because at the moment I don't have time to read the infamously long book series. Game of Thrones: A Clash of Kings #2 focused on three important stories and kept them conscious and to the point. I felt the connection to each character and their plight and liked that it only took this one issue to keep up caught up with them and the world around them. I've only read two issues but so far this is a series that I would recommend to fans and even those looking for a way to step into this world for the first time.

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Grimm Fairy Tales (2016) #5

Apr 26, 2017

I feel that Grimm Fairy Tales #5 is for a niche audience -most certainly with male readers in mind. That doesn't make it bad, however. I enjoyed the read but I wish there was more to it. It's not always easy to fit a well rounded story in a limited amount of pages and while there was a start, middle and end to this I was left with a feeling of "Why did I read this?". It did make me more curious about the series in general, which is a good thing. I would not be against reading more about Skye and seeing how her training goes and hopefully can also learn more about her past. This is a good issue for new and older readers a like, the writing isn't that strong and I wished the characters from Neverland spoke a bit more formally to add to their fairy tale feel but overall it was a fun read with pretty nice artwork.

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Heavenly Blues #1

Jun 15, 2017

While only being a first issue, Heavenly Blues #1 does a very good job of introducing readers to the two main leads and their relationship dynamic. While there isn't an overflowing amount of action or deep plot development, it's just enough to hook you in and wonder what sort of trouble Isaiah and Erin are about to get themselves into. I was pleasantly surprised by reading the book and accredit that to talent of its writer. This series is an independent sleeper hit in the making if future issues can continue to be just as entertaining.

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Injustice 2 #1

May 3, 2017

If you're not familiar with the games or previous comics, this comic allows you to dive in since it's a new story being told, but I do suggest playing catch-up. This first issue had great pacing and throws readers right into the action, a truly solid read; My only complaint is that it had to end at all, I want more the story ended with a major cliffhanger.

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Injustice 2 #3

Jun 21, 2017

Overall Injustice 2 #3 is another installment in what is a great series so far and I can't find much to complain about it. While this issue isn't too deep, there are some great moments. One in particular when Harley meets the Green Arrow that Black Canary found from another dimension. While they haven't said which world he's from, fans of the [i]Arrow[/i] TV show may enjoy some of the nods to that continuity from his dialogue though he looks nothing like the Oliver there. But the moments of humor help to break up this very serious story and only add to what makes this a great read.

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Injustice 2 #4

Jun 21, 2017

If you're a fan of the game or just DC comic books in general then this is a good series to read and Injustice 2 #4 is another fine installment. Alternative universes are fun because anything can happen, writers can go wild! While some action is present here, it's mainly about the story this issue which I enjoyed. There was even a tender moment between Harley and Ivy, not a romantic one but a nice friendly one nonetheless and in this new harsher world friendship is hard to find. Every issue leaves me eager for more so here is looking forward to number five.

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Injustice 2 #5

Jul 6, 2017

I wasn't sure what to expect from a Blue Beetle focused issue since I'm not a big fan of the character, mainly due to not knowing much about him. But Injustice 2 #5 gave us both generations of the hero in a well-written story that doesn't seem shoehorned into the current plot. The actions that took place here will help keep the story moving, Batman now knows that Ra's Al Ghul is a player he needs to contend with and Jaime Reyes has now been dragged into this fight as well. So far every issue in this series has left me wanting more and looking forward to the next issue which is a good feeling when reading a comic book.

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Injustice 2 #6

Jul 19, 2017

Injustice 2 #6 is yet another stellar addition to this ongoing series though can be read as a standalone if you're just in the mood for some Supergirl origin. But as a fan of the character this one really made me want to play the game because I'm now even more excited they added her into Injustice 2. I really do enjoy how this series manages to mix great action and excitement with gripping human emotions we can all relate to, even without having super powers. Comic books are a great storytelling medium and alternate universes are a brilliant way of giving new life to beloved characters.

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Injustice 2 #7

Aug 9, 2017

I feel that we latch onto superheroes, no matter how alien they might be, because we can relate to them in some way, shape or form. We've all had rough patches in our lives and seeking out a quiet moment of happiness is all we really went, that's what is happening here. While this isn't the only theme present in this issue as we also have the pain from Jaime over death of his mentor and the angst from Bruce's children as they attack him, everything is skillfully woven together making reading Injustice 2 #7 a satisfying and complete experience. The intense issue ends on an interesting cliffhanger, drawing readers back for more.

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Injustice 2 #8

Aug 31, 2017

While the previous issue certainly had more in the way of physical action, Injustice 2 #8 is still a solid experience. Yes, a reader can miss this issue and not lose anything too vital but fans will enjoy it. I'm personally a biased fan of Damian Wayne and his father, so while the moments were brief I liked how they showed Damien's humanity as he dealt with Alfred. Also, Blue Beetle returns, wanting to avenge Ted Kord's death. While not the most important issue in terms of story, this is still a good issue to pick up and read due to the good character moments coupled with humor and stellar artwork.

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Injustice 2 #9

Sep 6, 2017

I don't want to blame my personal indifference to Injustice 2 #9 solely on Animal Man, I'm sure he has his fair share of fans as he's been around for a long time. However his motivations are shallow and in a universe where super heroes die often he seems like cannon fodder. However, this leads to another thing I've noticed, people die less in this series than in the first one. When I played the first game and read what I have of the first comic I was always shocked when someone died, and they did often. Now, if they're not on the roster for the [i]Injustice 2[/i] game I assume they'll probably die and so far only Ted Kord's death has had any weight or meaning. I enjoy reading this series but I really do hope things pick up a bit, I really shouldn't be bored if Batman is on a mission to battle Ra's Al Ghul.

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Jughead (2015) #1

Jul 12, 2017

Overall, I think if you like the art style or even if you don't the good writing is enough of a draw to make this worth a read. It's really funny and interesting since the plot line is a continuing issues. However, as a fan of the new universe created here it is a bit of a bummer that the connecting series don't reference each other and their events much. But that's a minor issue, Jughead #1 is totally worth the read and the start of a great series. Also, bonus points for the classic comic at the end from 1949 featuring a truly zany Jughead story.

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Jughead (2015) #2

Jul 12, 2017

Jughead #2 has a good story to follow along with and also ends with a bit of a cliffhanger. Mr. Jones seems to have bitten off more than he can chew.

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My Little Pony: Movie Prequel #1

Jun 28, 2017

If you're a die-hard fan of the show or your child is then reading My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #1 may be for you. The story is flimsy but the art is nice and it helps lay some groundwork for the movie itself. My biggest issue was that the villain just didn't seem villainous and has no dimension. Perhaps this will be expanded upon on screen but as it stands now, this comic made me wonder what tone the movie will have. Being a movie, there is a chance to take the story a bit more seriously and add depth but if the villain is this one-note then I'm not sure where the story will go from there. Not a bad read but also not a very good read.

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My Little Pony: Movie Prequel #2

Jul 26, 2017

While I know this series is a prequel to the movie there is still one vital thing missing so far; ponies. So far we're learning about side characters who are also in the movie but nothing about the actual main ponies or even the seaponies which I admit to being the most curious about. Either way, this is probably a lot of information that wouldn't get as much screen time in the movie so it is nice to read if you want to keep your hype built up. My Little Pony Movie Prequel #2 was a good issue, there was action and more interesting characters added to the mix. There is also a message that messing with magic is dangerous which will be an interesting contrast since magic plays a big part in the lives of ponies in the actual series.

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My Little Pony: Movie Prequel #3

Sep 4, 2017

Maybe I'm being harsh on My Little Pony the Movie Prequel #3/, it's a movie tie-in for a kid's show but I am a fan of the show and do plan to see the movie so I was hoping that I would enjoy this comic series as well. While it's nice the comic serves as background for the new characters who will be in the movie, the lack of any ponies is very noticeable; especially when all of the covers focus solely on the ponies themselves and not any of the characters featured in these pages. If you have a child that enjoys the series or wants to see the movie, they might enjoy this. If you're a die-hard brony then you might enjoy this. If you want a fun story, there are better My Little Pony comics to read.

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My Little Pony: Movie Prequel #4

Sep 6, 2017

My Little Pony the Movie Prequel #4 successfully introduces a major character for the movie and shows that they have a solid motivation to be in it. It's shows the direct consequences of what has happened in previous issues and ties everything together well. It's clear that the ponies in Equestria will have a challenging time when the movie hits the big screen but I'm sure friendship will somehow prevail, as always.

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Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #1

Mar 16, 2017

Despite my trepidation towards this title and the darker take on such childhood classics, Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie left me wanting more. I want to see Joe, Frank and Nancy really use their brains to solve the mystery behind the murder. Also, I'm eager to see how the writers do this, though I do personally hope they also add in some humor. Readers of this series don't need prior knowledge of Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys to enjoy this comic, this has no connection to any previous books, stories or games featuring these characters. This is a brand new adventure for these teen detectives and their fans, new or returning.

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Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #2

Apr 12, 2017

Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #2 provides us with a good background on our main three characters though I'm sure there is more to their story that will unfold while on this case. Despite being smart and crafty, they're still teens and not above getting in trouble. As this issue is told in Nancy's voice, we find out she's very perceptive and can keep up with the brothers, I found her to be well written. The mystery has only just begun and the teen sleuths still have more work to do, I look forward to seeing how things play out and do hope they let us, the audience, play detective as well.

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Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #4

Jun 20, 2017

Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie is shaping up to be one of my favorite reading experiences this year. Each issue leaves readers on a cliffhanger and eager for more, however it also wraps up what is happening in each particular issue very well so you feel satisfied and not left hanging. Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #4 opens up many new avenues for the story go, we have more murder, drugs, corruption and more players on the board. I can't wait to see Nancy, Joe and Hardy put on their thinking caps and solve this case but until they do I'm happily along for the ride.

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Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #5

Jul 25, 2017

To say that I like this series would be an understatement, I love it. It has its great moments and flaws as well but overall each issue is a joy to read and Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #5 is no different. Despite how this issue ended I still don't know how things will ultimately turn out because every installment brings a new "did that just happen" moment. I highly recommend this issue and the entire run in general, starting from the beginning will help you appreciate the story to its fullest. However, this series does a good job in each issue so far being somewhat self-contained while also still touching on the main storyline, meaning new readers can catch up easily. It's one of my favorite reading experiences of the year.

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Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #6

Sep 6, 2017

While it may not be the Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys you remember, it's a worthwhile interpretation of them that will please old and new fans.

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Normandy Gold #1

Jun 28, 2017

Normandy Gold #1 may not be for everyone because of some of the subjects tackled or maybe they're just not into period pieces. I do feel anyone who remembers the 70's fondly will have a bit of nostalgia reading this. Even more importantly, the good writing can appeal to those from a younger generation. If you like murder and mystery this could be the series for you, especially if you enjoy a woman taking charge in a "man's world". Normandy doesn't seem to be a character who backs down and I'm eager to see what happens next. The issue does not end on a frustrating cliffhanger, instead giving a great lead-in for the next issue.

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Normandy Gold #2

Jul 20, 2017

ormandy Gold is a love letter to the 70's, inspired by gritty crime dramas and a cinematic experience on paper. If you've lived through this era or enjoy the movies from it then you will certainly enjoy this series. Moreover, Normandy Gold #2 is fast-paced, interesting and often times left me just speechless. I do wonder how deep down the rabbit hole Normandy can go before getting into trouble. She's hitting really hard right now, but she's bound to cross someone who won't back down. I really can't find any downsides to this series so far, it's highly entertaining and I definitely recommend reading it.

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Pix #1

Mar 1, 2017

As an adult, I really enjoyed reading this book and I see the value this would have in a young girl's life as well. While there are many powerful and inspirational female superheros, it never hurts to have more and Pix is just that. She is a relatable girl trying to live her life while also wanting to do good for those around her. Pix: One Weirdest Weekend is a wonderful read that I highly recommend to anyone. And if you know a young girl, or boy, who is into comic books or want to open their eyes to the medium this would be a wonderful gift for them. This title has a positive message while also being well written, fun, and humorous.

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Red Sonja: The Long Walk To Oblivion #1

May 10, 2017

If you're already a fan of Red Sonja or are looking for a stepping stone into the current series then Red Sonja: The Long Walk To Oblivion is good for you. If you're like me who wanted a nice one shot story you may be disappointed. I really enjoyed everything about this book until the end for the pure fact that I didn't want to be left with the feeling that I needed to pick up more issues to continue the journey started in these pages. It's a storytelling device I don't agree with, however, from a marketing perspective it's a good one. This is a good read, filled with action and adventure that left me wanting more.

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Riverdale #1

Mar 16, 2017

Reading these side stories aren't vital for enjoying the TV show, but it's nice to expand the world of Riverdale with them. We're talking about a comic book based on a TV show that's originally based on a comic book, kinda neat if you ask me. It's a short read, about twenty pages, and then the last few pages of the book give us very brief bios of the main characters as well showing us their real life actor counterparts compared to how they look in this comic book series. If you don't know anything about the characters before picking up this book, it's a nice refresher course. I do recommend watching the show and reading this series to satisfy all of your Riverdale needs.

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Rose #1

Apr 19, 2017

Rose #1 disappointed me. I have yet to connect to any character, not even the lead, and the overuse of war and death in just the first issue seemed like a guilt trip to try and press readers to feel something for people we don't even know. I still want to learn more about Rose and hope that I can connect with her, I know first issues can sometimes be a rocky start and I do see some glimmers of hope in the issue that can hopefully shine more as the series continues. As it stands now, I find it hard to recommend this issue. The artwork is good and the story isn't bad at all, but it has a lot of growing to do. If you like fantasy and female leads then it might prove something you want to take a chance on and see how future issues fare.

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Rose #2

May 29, 2017

I did enjoy Rose #2 more than the first issue but I'm still not hooked on this series yet. I do want to see Rose become a stronger and better character and actual go on adventures instead of sitting around. I'm hoping now that she's learning about her role as a Guardian that things will pick up and she'll learn to become a warrior that can save her people. If you liked the first issue then you'll probably enjoy this one as well, if you're like and still uncertain about where things are going you may still want to give this issue a read. Or pick it up later down the line and see if things have progressed more.

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Rose #3

Jun 20, 2017

If you've been a fan of this series so far or are like me and have been on the fence, I think Rose #3 will be enjoyable. While I've felt the story has been slow moving so far, we finally have some real content and backstory relevant to the characters at play. It's clear that Rose's magic is becoming stronger. She still is not a warrior yet and I'm interested in seeing her get to that point as well as her finally meeting Thorne. I think then we'll be treated to even more story and hopefully Rose can continue to discover her true self.

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Rose #4

Jul 19, 2017

I wasn't sure what to think of this series at first and wasn't too fond of it but thanks to issue #3 and Rose #4 I'm fully on board.

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Rose #5

Sep 5, 2017

Rose #5 is a lovely read and will keep you coming back for more. There is plenty of action with sword fights with plenty of drama and world building as well.

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Rose #6

Sep 15, 2017

Rose #6 is exciting, filled with fighting and strategy as well as kindness and hope. If you're a fan of the fantasy adventure genre then this tale is one that needs to be added into your library, either by single issue or the wonderful trade soon to be released.

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Samaritan: Veritas #1

May 24, 2017

Samaritan Veritas #1 felt like I was watching a good action movie. The story is filled with drama, tension, and violence as well though not too much for now. I also learned a few things that I probably never needed to, like about the darknet and such but it's always amusing to learn something from unlikely sources. Even without having any background knowledge of this universe and characters, this is a great first issue to step into the world with and I'm sure readers who are already fans will enjoy this next installment. I look forward to issue two and finding out more about the trouble Sam has gotten herself into.

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Samaritan: Veritas #2

Jul 6, 2017

While the idea of a revenge plot is rather simple, I won't deny that Samaritan Veritas #2 is more than that and can be complicated. There are different players all with different motives, and I can only hope that this expanded upon, while I support Sam at the moment I don't want everything to be too easy for her and I also wouldn't mind if she had more flaws though right now it would seem her cockiness is a big one. This is a world where things aren't as simple as "good and evil, " and while the government seems to be overall big bad, 'd like to see some more depth and gray areas. However, I enjoyed reading this issue and felt the action was a nice change of pace from what I normally like.

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Samaritan: Veritas #3

Aug 9, 2017

I'm sad that Samaritan Veritas #3 is the end of this series, I thought Sam would fight for a bit longer. However, one thing I like about independent titles like this is that they do end. A complete story was told here, one that a new reader could enjoy for three issues. However, this connects to a larger overarching world and reading this series stirred my interest in it.

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Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2017) #0

Aug 16, 2017

Even with the twist ending of Sheena #0 I am unsure how I feel about the series yet. While this adventure was dangerous, it was also rather tame and I hope to see more adventures down the road. But, this issue did accomplish its goals in my eyes. It reintroduced Sheena and her mission to protect the jungle, showed us some of her skill and personality and gets readers interested in what will happen in the next issue. This one is only a quarter which is a great price in my mind for a short but amusing adventure. You don't have much to lose by picking this up and giving it a shot.

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Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2017) #1

Sep 13, 2017

This one needs to find that drum beat fast and give us more than the Queen of the Jungle talking to herself. It is beautiful that she is so in touch with nature and the world around her but if this is an adventure series then readers need more excitement and thrills. Sheena picking up trash and mulling over it is the exact opposite of that.

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Sheena: Queen of the Jungle (2017) #2

Oct 15, 2017

So far I'm not impressed or engaged with this series but Sheena #2 is better than its predecessors and shows a slight bit of hope. Since the story is moving so slowly, new readers can easily grab this issue and quickly get caught up to speed. Sheena is a legacy character and despite being a sex symbol she is also a powerful and devoted to her cause. This new incarnation has a lot to live up to and while it's off to a bumpy start there is still hope for a comeback once all the pieces come together.

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Skin & Earth #1

Jul 12, 2017

I found Skin & Earth #1 to be an interesting read. It's certainly outside of my comfort zone but still enjoyable. I'd love to see more women in comics and more stories that stray from the norm, and mixing in a tie-in album is a very interesting idea. For a first issue it's a good start and keeps me interested in what will happen next time. I want to learn more about En and the world around her and see if there really is any hope to be found. It's a basic concept that everyone can relate to, no matter where we live or our situations, we all want some hope and better days.

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Skin & Earth #2

Aug 10, 2017

So far the story is pretty simple but well written and the main character is enjoyable. I really do love how things are presented in a mix media linking comics to music, Lights' latest video "Skydiving" shows the musician working on artwork for the comic and the song is linked to the love affair En had with Priest. Skin & Earth #2 presented something a lot of us can relate to unfortunately, heartbreak is never easy and after seeing it built up in this story the inevitable fall had an impact. But I want to see where En goes from here, she's lost and hopeless in a dark and unforgiving world which could spell a lot of trouble. I recommend trying this series out, and hope the plot will develop in the next issue.

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Skin & Earth #3

Sep 13, 2017

Skin & Earth #3 is nice; it sets up the next stage in En's adventure though with such little information about Mitsuki and her rather creepy introduction the verdict is out where things will lead. This is clearly a labor of love from Lights. En looks exactly like her; she has a love of wine and crystals just like her creator. While you don't need to listen to the music tie-in, it is enjoyable and "Giants" in particular seems to refer to Mituski and was released way before this issue giving fans some hints. However, things in the comic need to pick up soon so the story can end in a satisfying manner.

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Skin & Earth #4

Oct 15, 2017

While this review might seem harsh on Skin & Earth #4 it's mainly because I had my hopes up for an engaging series but it's faltering due to slow pacing and an ambiguous plot. This series currently only has three characters limiting the interactions that we can see, which probably causes some of the pacing issues. En lives in a post-apocalyptic world with a lot of opportunity for different stories to be told but currently, the main focus is her love life, which is fine, but the story could be handled better. En's discovery in the woods will hopefully drive things forward to where readers get some answers and resolutions.

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The Archies #1

May 29, 2017

I found The Archies to be highly enjoyable, it's certainly a breath of fresh air from the main series that sometimes has a lot of drama in it. The characters didn't have any major problems and what ones did arise were solved quickly through communication and friendship. Sure, these kids are fictional but it really does provide goals of what we in the real world would want from our relationships. True companies that stick together even when there is a fight or the chips are down. I highly recommend this book to fans new and old, it really left a smile on my face and I think it will do the same for you.

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The Big Moose (One Shot) #1

May 4, 2017

While Moose isn't one of my favorite characters, he's a lovable one and I enjoyed reading Big Moose One-Shot because of how simple and straightforward the stories were. While Archie is usually dealing with lady troubles and a host of other issues, Moose keeps it simple with Midge, football and family. This was a fun read in between reading other issues of the current Archie revival series and really made me want to see more Moose in the main series. Sometimes people are just simply good people and he's one of them. This is perfect for all fans of any age range and even good for readers unfamiliar with the characters living in Riverdale.

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Victor LaValle's Destroyer #1

May 24, 2017

While this only the first issue and there weren't too many overtly political plot points touched on, yet, I'm curious to see how they're handled in this world where now humanity's upcoming problem is Frankenstein's Monster. This would probably be a good read for fans of Mary Shelley's work, but also those who enjoy a deeper message from their comics. Destroyer #1 sets a good tone for upcoming issues and the pacing is handled very well. It's a combination of very good writing and eye-catching artwork that I hope continues on with future installments.

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Victor LaValle's Destroyer #2

Jun 21, 2017

I'm not really sure what to expect from this series, I'm not really a fan of dark or violent things and most of the characters so far don't seem to have the best motives. However, things are leading up to an interesting conflict and I'm curious to see what happens. Destroyer #2 was a good read though a bit slow. One interesting note is an unseen character called "The Bride" is mentioned which also peaked my interesting since Frankenstein's monster has a bride as well, could be the same character. While this issue did not end on too much of a cliffhanger it does end in a spot that leaves readers curious and that's a good thing.

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Victor LaValle's Destroyer #3

Jul 19, 2017

What we have here, when you strip away the science fiction aspects, is a tale of broken dreams. Unfortunately history and modern day events have proven that the law doesn't always do what it should and many have lost their life because of it. Dr. Baker's current psyche is a result of that, her innocent son gunned down by a cop and then not given any justice either. As she reads the story of Victor Frankenstein she states that perhaps he wasn't mad with power but instead mad with grief and while the creature may not agree with her, this is definitely a reflection on how she herself feels. Destroyer #3 offers great insight into its characters, even ones that aren't shown much. Despite the decent amount of backstory presented in this issue, there is still more to learn and I look forward to it.

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Victor LaValle's Destroyer #4

Oct 2, 2017

Who exactly is the "destroyer" in this series? The monster? Akai? Or purpose man himself? Victor LaValle continues to weave a thought-provoking and engaging story that will be a lasting impression on readers. Destroyer #4 has great character development, and the writing is a joy to read. We've already lost two characters who, while minor, were somewhat humorous, and things are hitting the fan so expect more bodies to fall. One thing I can say for sure is that I have no idea how this story is going to end. Both sides are powerful, with no intention of giving up, so it's looking to be an interesting finale.

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Victor LaValle's Destroyer #5

Oct 2, 2017

Only one issue away from the thrilling conclusion of this series, it's been a surreal ride. It's nice to see a powerful message coupled with a fantastical story and eye-catching artwork, Destroyer #5 once again delivers on all accounts. A notable topic that popped up before and mentioned again by Josephine, is the speculation that one day AI will rule where man once did, a common trope but one that seems to become a reality as technology advances. An interesting point of view seeing as how she fought to bring her son back though accepts that the life of man is short and doomed. This is only one of many topics to ruminate on while readers wait for the finale.

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Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #1

May 31, 2017

Reading Wonder Woman Annual #1 was a great experience, especially before going to see the movie. I was reminded of what makes her such an endearing character and even found tears in my eyes while reading the third story about a warrior's honor and duty to protect their people that was beautifully paired with haunting artwork. Each of the four tales are well written and perfect for some casual adventures with Wonder Woman. I highly recommend this book to fans of the character and especially as a way for newer fans to enjoy her. While there is some violence that may not sit right with some younger readers, I do feel the messages conveyed here are important especially for young girls.

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Wonder Woman (2016): Steve Trevor Special #1

Jun 12, 2017

Despite my criticism I didn't hate this issue. Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor #1 had its moments and I did learn more about Steve Trevor and really enjoyed Diana's moments, though they were brief. But when my favorite part of a book is a character who shows up on maybe five pages at most, that's not a very good sign. I found this title to be pretty mediocre and as a start to what may be a series, it didn't pull me in. Overall, if you want some good Steve Trevor action you may just be better off reading a regular issue of Wonder Woman instead.

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