Brett Mobley's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: PopMatters Reviews: 4
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #25

Nov 27, 2013

Action #25 reveals a Superman being beaten by a force of nature and receiving help from his fellow man. He can't punch this enemy into submission by any means. This early failure then, becomes a means of explanation for Superman's future humility and self-awareness when it the application of force is required.In the final moment of this issue, Superman comes to realize his own potential status as an icon"not an icon of strength, but an icon of unity.

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ODY-C #1

Dec 15, 2014

Overall, Fraction and Ward present a stunning issue one in ODY-C. The art is superb, tremendous in its dream-like and highly symbolic style. The writing is clever, but also emotionally impactful. The layouts of each page require you to linger and contemplate. And last but not least we are treated to a powerful retelling of one of our oldest stories. I can't wait to read more.

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Saga #12

Apr 14, 2013

I would argue that these erotic images, displayed on the unconscious screen of IV come to represent a desperate libidinal cathexis in response to death. In his apparently final moments, Prince IV's unconscious mind craves life, craves sex, and craves the ability to survive. The mechanized body of IV, screams out: life! It doesn't matter that these particular sex are non-reproductive in a biological way, because they are reproductive in a psychic, Saussurean way. The syntax of these images on IV's face-screen all have an inherent slippage. One signified image signifies a host of needs and emotions: fellatio and bukkake (I'm not sure what else to call it) come to represent a desire to survive the pain of death and reveal in erotic life. The la petite mort horn, the baby rattle, fellatio and bukkake images on IV's face-screen reveal a character's unconsciousness that is complex and pulled between poles of eros and thanatos.

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The Sandman Overture #1

Dec 11, 2013

All in all, the anxiety that pervades this opening comic does not detract from its status as one of the best comics I've read in sometime.In fact, I think the anxiety that is inculcated into Sandman Overture is perhaps why it is so good. While it re-introduces us to old favorites and simultaneously gives us a fresh perspective on our understanding of the Endless, and while it showers us with astounding art and authoritative storytelling, Sandman Overture #1, is a meek dipping of the toe back into the big waters of the Sandman universe—and I can't wait to see more.

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