CJ Yudelson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 37
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Astro City (2013) #14

Aug 16, 2014

This issue is really about trust and family. Sometimes the people you place your faith in let you down, whether by their own fault or other circumstances. Ellie's internal problem comes from choosing where to put your faith, and who to trust. Aside from the appearances by Samaritan and the very cool looking Mirage this issue is short on the action but nonetheless provides a really nice story. I'm interested to see how it turns out because, like many Astro City stories, the ending for regular people isn't always so black or white. We all have to make choices in life and while most of us don't have robots to rely on, we all can have inner strength. This comic was fun and I recommend it to everyone, especially long time fans of Astro City.

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Coffin Hill #4

Jan 17, 2014

Issue #4 of Coffin Hill is the issue I've been waiting for since its debut. We have our backdrop, our history, setting and players, now I just want to see where it goes. Some minor dialogue head scratches and a kind of cheesy and predictable last panel of the comic aside, this issue left me feeling very positive about the direction and future of this title.

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Coffin Hill #5

Feb 13, 2014

Coming off of a really good last issue Coffin Hill does it again with another strong outing this month. The creative team uses the cris-crossing relationships between our cast of characters to build even more drama and adds the best action we have seen from the series thus far. The result is a very balanced and well paced comic that entertains from start to finish. I'm looking forward to next months conclusion of the first story arc.

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Coffin Hill #6

Mar 15, 2014

The comic wraps up in the way you might expect, but some juicy details about Eve's consequences help it out from being to cliche. Kittredge's ability to combine suspense with young adult horror have proven she has what it takes to keep this series going if allowed. I have to mention that some critics will point out the nudity in this issue was not necessary, but I would argue that it is neither too obscene nor excessive so it isn't an issue in my opinion. One last issue I had with this comic was that the final page's cliffhanger was kind of a head scratcher for me, until I re-read the very first issue. It does tie in to the theme of consequences but it also seemed like a pretty vague note to go out on. Coffin Hill #6 wraps up our Harvest storyline and proves that the young adult horror genre can compete in any medium. Great visuals and sexy characters (except for Nate) have me hoping we will get to read about Eve Coffin again.

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Coffin Hill #7

Apr 11, 2014

The hard part about crafting one-shots is that they have to deliver enough emotion, drama, and possibly action in order to suck the reader into a story that starts and ends in one issue. Some creative teams use it to present a theme or lesson without the tribulations of continuity while others use it as opportunity to build upon an already larger story at play. This issue of Coffin Hill goes for the latter and manages to provide some interesting history as well as give the invested reader a sense of repetition and destiny to the bloodline of Coffin. While lacking in providing the emotional draw necessary to become actively interested in Ellie or even remembering her down the line this is still a decent enough comic.

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Fatale #19

Jan 10, 2014

Note: I was at the Image Expo in San Francisco on 1/9/14 and Brubaker announced (among many other things) that this series is coming to a close with issue 24. The final arc should be a blast folks!

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Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1

Oct 4, 2014

Green Lantern/New Gods Godhead was a very fun and lengthy read. It had everything I wanted in the first issue of a crossover and then some. Despite thinking Highfather was a little to military-minded I liked all of the depictions., The generals of New Genesis had really cool character designs and the story left off at a great place, especially for those who are long time Lantern readers. Even if your too tired from all the crossovers, I recommend you check this first issue out, I liked it a lot.

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Lazarus #6

Feb 7, 2014

Note: Those of you new to this series may want to check out the timeline of events which is usually in the letter columns of the single issues. It's amazing and can also be found online athttp://familycarlyle.tumblr.com/

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Lazarus #7

Mar 20, 2014

Lazarus continues to be a thinking persons book with gut wrenching emotional drama, thought provoking moral conflicts, and an all too realistic display of a dystopian society. Issue #7 is really a great issue and my favorite thus far in this arc. I highly recommend it and the series as a whole to anyone wanting a little more “umph” to their comic reading digest.

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Lazarus #8

Apr 23, 2014

Back in LA Forever is now aware that the target of the terrorists is in fact the approaching Lift selection in Denver, and she knows she must warn her father. As usual Malcolm Carlyle sees this threat as another obstacle for the family's Lazarus to neutralize and for her to do her job without wasting his time. Nothing like a father's kind words to motivate a daughter. Spoiler free the ending of this issue rocked. Greg Rucka writes a phenomenal crescendoing conclusion of this issue which sets up the finale of this arc, and leaves this months issue on a cliff hanger of sorts. Lazarus #8 is another great installment from a series that keeps on rolling. I highly recommend this issue and cannot wait for issue #9.

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Lazarus #10

Aug 7, 2014

The other highlight of this issue was seeing Jonah slowly realize that his self worth is not at all what he calculated, at least in the eyes of his new hosts. After finally getting a face to face with Jakob Hock it begins to dawn on Jonah and the reader he has nothing to bargain with; Jonah is essentially useless to Hock. That is except as a tool. Hock seems to be a calculating manipulative despot, in other words a good match for his rival Malcolm Carlyle. Now with Jonah as a captivehe has a certain leverage over Carlyle, but not in the way you might think. Lazarus #10 is an excellent read which is even more rewarding for people who have been faithfully reading the series. With new characters and a glimpse into more of the terrifying world, this issue packs a punch. I highly recommend this issue.

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Lazarus #11

Sep 13, 2014

There is a lot of story here but some may find wear the issue ends to be a disappointment. There is so much buildup to the meeting of the 16 families who rule the world but the issue ends just as the Carlyle clan is about to leave. For me this wasn't a big deal because I feel like this issue has a lot of interesting negotiations and planning from the Carlyle patriarch Malcolm, which really shows how calculating this guy is. Lazarus #11 is another solid issue from a great series, if you havn't read it yetgo out and buy the first two trades people!

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Lazarus #14

Jan 13, 2015

The rest of the issue deals with the fallout and face to face between Malcolm and Forever. I wont give away everything but there is definitely a new status quo when it comes to Forever following orders from her siblings, physicians and her Father. With Jonah gone, Hock and Malcolm have it out as the Conclave crumbles into a feud that could bring about world war. With one more issue left in this thrilling arc Forever might be all that stands in the way of her “family's” demise. I do not know what to expect for next issue butI can't wait to read it. What I can say is this was a fantastic issue and the creative team have really hit their stride with this arc. (Note it has always been great). Lazarus issue #14 is a great read, go get it.

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Lazarus #15

Feb 21, 2015

This issue's conclusion more than made up for how the battle ended. The fate of the conclave is uncertain, as is the fate of a major character. The creative team did a great job bringing a finality to this confrontation while still leaving the reader bewildered on just how this carefully crafted world will move forward after the events of this issue.

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Magnus: Robot Fighter #1

Mar 12, 2014

Overall this was a solid first issue to this new series. It had a bit of everything, some heart, some action and detailed artwork. While entertaining a somewhat cliche story of a “hero in a new world” this issue manages to pull it off pretty well. Some weird transitions aside Magnus Robot Fighter # 1 is another good comic from Dynamite.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Jun 26, 2014

Outcast #1 from Image under the Skybound imprint had a ton of hype around it, and considering the creative team that wasn't a surprise. The book delivered in every way and knocked it out of the park. Kyle Barnes story is overflowing with potential and I am extremely excited to see where it goes. 1st issues are always special if they can pull readers in. I honestly have no idea what will happen in this series but after reading the debut issue I can say it was one of the best comics of the year so far. I highly recommend Outcast #1.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #2

Jul 31, 2014

In all Outcast #2 is a real good comic that doesn't disappoint in its second month. The creative team of Kirkman and company are keeping the bar set very high for this series and I am really looking forward to what happens next.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #3

Aug 30, 2014

This issue of Outcast might have some faults but that is mostly because of how stellar the two previous issues have been. Kirkman and company are taking the slow approach to character building and in my opinion it is working well. Outcast #3 is light on the scares, but is all about the nuances and introspection making it a solid read. One thing is for certain, there is some really bad stuff headed forKyle Barnes, and I can't wait.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #4

Sep 25, 2014

I am aware that the main criticism of this book and issue in particular is it has been focusing too much on character and not enough on plot progression. In other words some people feel like its moving too slow. I understand those complaints but I will firmly disagree with it as a negative. Sure this book is not moving at mach speed but that is one of the things I enjoy about it. It feels like a real life pace, filled with the pain and fear and drama of failing those you love and trying to redeem yourself. To be fair there hasn't been many really scary moments since the first issue, but with the cliffhanger this months installment left off on, I'm sure it will creep into the fold soon. Outcast #4 was a great issue and I highly recommend it.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #5

Nov 15, 2014

A few problems I have in this series has been the pacing being a little slow. This hasn't been a big deal because I have enjoyed the ride thoroughly, and thus far the story has been very good. This issue actually was pretty darn exciting to read. It had action and suspense even though it was confined to one location and only a handful of people. I won't spoil the later parts of the comic but it definitely feels like the end of a first arc. Outcast #5 teases us with great things to come, and while not having the biggest payoff or jaw dropping reveals is still is a very engaging read. Check it out if you have been reading because series has been really good.

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Ragnarok #2

Oct 8, 2014

I don't want to spoil anything but there are a few things I had a problem with. I thought he book would go in another direction as to who this dead ancient god is but from the cover it should be fairly obvious. I don't dislike it I was just hoping for someone else, someone maybe less familiar to the everyday fan. Another thing I wasn't crazy about is a death at the end of the issue. It felt so abruptthat I thought it was just a fake out, guess not. Hats off to Simonson for keeping me on my toes. I have no idea where this book is going, but I feel that revenge will be a big part of it. That's fine by me as longs as the art keeps looking like it has in the first two issues. Ragnarok #2 is awesome. Go get the first two issues if your a fantasy fan or a Norse mythology fan. Simonson knows his Nordic legends, and boy can that man draw. I recommend this issue.

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Ragnarok #3

Dec 19, 2014

Ragnarok #3 is some sweet setup highlighted by amazing art. I cant wait to see where drauger Thor goes next.

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Sinestro #2

May 22, 2014

The comic wraps up with Sinestro revealing to his skeptical daughter his plan to help his fellow Korugarians find a new home. That new home will be a former space prison that Sinestro decides to “clear out.”Bunn also introduced two new characters to the Sinestro Corps rouge.This is great because other than Arkillo, Lyssa Drak and the few familiar faces (looking at you woman who makes rabid dog constructs) the Sinestro Corps doesn't have to many important secondary characters. It will be interesting how Rigen Kale and Dez Trevius will react to Sinestro's currentregime. If they play nice or if they decide to follow their leader's example of planning, waiting and then acting to secure theirown ambitions will be fun to see. Sinestro #2 is a quicker read but is a blast the whole way through. Having a writer who understands the character and a great artist on board gives this series a ton of potential moving forward.

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Sinestro #3

Jun 28, 2014

The comic ends with a really cool confrontation on the planet Muz. A slave auction is interrupted as Sinestro and several other yellow lanterns as well as his daughter Soranik march in and Sinestro orders them to release the chained Korugarians. Violence ensues, because hey, this is Sinestro were dealing with. The comic ends with a nice surprise which gave a good wrap up and weight to the beginning of the issue. Sinestro #3 was another really solid issue which fans will enjoy. The creative team is hitting its stride and I am looking forward to the next issue.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 12, 2015

Writing a character that is steeped in so much cannon from 6 films could present achallenging dilemma, but if the first issue is any indication the creative team has a solid handle on the Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Vader #1 is a cinematic, and engaging read. I highly recommend it.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #2

Feb 26, 2015

Darth Vader proves you can't control him in this issue, he may serve but he has a purpose. The creative team gets the character and I look forward to the next issue filling readers in and showing just how he will go about that purpose.

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Starlight #1

Mar 7, 2014

The last interesting point I want to bring up is how different this is from many of Mark MIllar's other books. It is well known to comic book fans that Millar's books have pervasive adult content; sex, drugs,and extreme levels of violence are common place in a lot of his work. Some of which I am perfectly fine with or love like “Old man Logan” for instance. I only bring up this point to inform readers that this book doesn't have a tone like “Wanted” or “Kick-Ass”. Starlight #1 is the start of something new and the first in his shared universe of superheros; “Millarworld”… Whatever your feelings are on that, I highly recommend Starlight #1. It is a refreshing, emotional, and all around well-written comic that marks the start of a promising new series.

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Starlight #2

Apr 2, 2014

The comic ends with Duke coming back to a Tantalus far different than the one he remembers thanks to the alien invaders. Naturally the reader who read issue #1 would assume this is what would happen but like I said this issue had to get us there in order for the real adventure to begin. Starlight #2 is a solid follow up to the very good first debut issue. I feel like this was literally part 2 of the first issue and could have easily been collected in double sized debut issue. Despite reading a little too quick and lacking the emotional ride and vibrant colors the first issue had Starlight #2 is still a good comic and sets up a host of possibilities going forward.

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Starlight #3

May 14, 2014

Image Comics Starlight is a series to checkout if you haven't already. Despite it being a quick read, I highly recommend this issue.

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Starlight #4

Jun 13, 2014

The comic concludes with a great cliffhanger that has me eagerly awaiting next month's issue. Starlight #4 is the continuation of a stellar title from Image. It's a fun read for anyone looking for a different take on an adventure book with laughs along the way. I highly recommend this issue.

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The Autumnlands #1

Nov 8, 2014

I don't want to spoil this issue because it really has to be read. Coming in at a whopping 44 pages it is a dense book. Also 2.99! 3 bucks for this thing of beauty is really a steal. All in all Tooth & Claw was such a surprise to me. I should of known that with Kurt Busiek this debut would be a winner for me but what I wasn't counting on was how the art elicited a feeling of emotional wonder upon reading. I have no idea where this book is going but count me in. I highly recommend reading this issue.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #1

Feb 5, 2014

Overall Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1 was a great first issue in this new series with good pacing, dynamic art, and a really fun premise. If you're at all interested in jumping on board an alternate history series that has so much potential, I would definitely recommend this new Gold Key Universe book from Dynamite Entertainment.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #2

Mar 5, 2014

Dynamite Entertainment follows up its debut of a new series with another really fine comic. The last page of this issue also put a huge smile across my face in anticipation of just seeing more of something so awesome it has to be seen. Turok #2 shows that Pak and the rest of the creative team have a strong grasp on the storytelling that so far, has made this a fun and interesting book. Also; Dinosaurs.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #3

Apr 4, 2014

Greg Pak and Mirko Colak deliver in a big way with Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #3. With a mix of strong interactions, great art and downright kick-ass subject matter this comic continues to be very strong in its initial arc.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #4

May 8, 2014

This issue is mostly a rollercoaster of action and the creative team does a fine job expanding Turok's fighting strategy. We have seen our hero as tactician with his natural environment, using traps and snares in the past issues. Pak and company go a step further depicting Turok as not necessarily just a Dinosaur "hunter" per say, rather one that has the stones to manipulate, utilize, and challenge them like no one else can. A perfect example of this was his taming of the raptor like "fire drake" dinosaur and riding it like an absolute boss following the charging T-Rex towards the enemy camp. Although I would have liked to see a hint to what is coming next, the ending of the issue is satisfying. It is to Pak's credit that he found an ending which almost made this feel like the conclusion of a mini series with it's full circle approach. A good issue rounds out a solid start to Turok Dinosaur Hunter and I cant wait to see where it goes next.

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #5

Jun 26, 2014

The action was pretty fun in this issue and read pretty well from start to finish. It might have been lacking the major surprises that other issues have had, but there was enough here to keep me interested in this new story arc. Mammoths and flying dinosaurs, heres looking at you. Turok Dinosaur Hunter #5 is a good jumping on point for new readers.

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Vertigo Quarterly: Cyan #1

May 3, 2014

Overall there is not much wrong with this comic except its steep price for an anthology comic of medium length. It is great that Vertigo is still pushing the boundaries in comics by releasing something like this with the faith that it will sell by committing to 3 more installments in their CMYK quarterly line. Hopefully in next quarters "Magenta" issue we see more play with the thematic elements of color but as of now, Cyan was a good start to this new anthology series keeping short form story telling alive and well at Vertigo

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