eric s's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weird Science Reviews: 5
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Batman Incorporated (2012) #13

Aug 2, 2013

Well it wasn't the issue I wanted, but it's what I got and it's the end. I don't know if I missed something but KathyKane coming out of nowhere just seems forced, and an easy way to end thestory. The cover states that this is the"EPIC CONCLUSION", it might be the conclusion but I didn't findanything about this issue to be epic.Readers of Batman Inc. will get it to complete their story, but thisissue will not draw people in to read the rest of the series. Sorry Grant, but yet again you have left mewanting.

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Detective Comics (2011) Annual #2

Aug 2, 2013

This annual was most enjoyable, we got a new and interesting villain in the Batman worldand it was a fun Detective story. Myonly gripe with it is, that it could of gone on and been a decent story arcover the course of a few issues. It'sbecause of stories like this that John Layman got Detective Comics out of thefunk it was in, before he started writing it, and at this point couldn't seeanyone else writing it, so hopefully Layman's work is far from over. Highly recommend this title to Batmanfans. It will help get some of the badtaste that Dark Knight leaves in your mouth after reading it.

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Justice League of America (2013) #6

Jul 21, 2013

As I said before the artwork in this book is superb, and Geoph Johns, and JeffLemire really write the hell out of this book.It moves really fast, and makes me jones for the next issue. I really don't have anything bad to say aboutthis issue, except that I want more, now.It's issues like this that keep readers reading and make newreaders. So if you haven't checked it outyet, get it. Get another copy to giveout, to turn someone else on to it. Hopefullythe rest of the story is on par with this and the first issue.

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Superboy (2011) #22

Aug 6, 2013

I enjoyed this issue enough to want to read more on Superboy in high school. The only problem is that the stereotyped teenagers are over the top in their roles. But I'll let it slide because I'm biased to anything John Hughes like. My only real gripe is that towards the beginning a character goes from being a Gwen Stacy type all green jacket, and skirt, to a few panels over where she became a sporty Mary Jane Watson. Maybe it was intended to be a different character, but the art work wasn't completely clear in the end. Superboy #22 give it a read.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2

Aug 2, 2013

Abit more to the story, introducing new characters, and giving us some baddiegoodness, but it worked all through-out.I never felt bored, and this issue just makes me want to know more aboutthe secret society's plan for Pandora's Box, and who Pandora will find tofinally open the box. Solid issue, can'twait for the next

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