John Jones's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Crusaders Reviews: 12
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Black Bolt #3

Jul 6, 2017

The artwork put out by Christian Ward was spot on, which is no surprise, I have come to expect great artwork out of Marvel nowadays, and Christian Ward did not disappoint. I have noticed that some artists have a tendency to make some characters faces look the same as others. Christian Ward has no such problem each one had their own distinctive features and remained that way through out the book. It was always easy to tell who was who. 5 out of 5 stars!

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Dark Nights: Metal #2

Sep 13, 2017

In the past few years and especially with his most recent run on Batman, Greg Capullo has cemented his name as one of the comic book greats, Greg Capullo's artwork now stands up there with names like Jim Lee and Todd McFarlane, his style and name will be recognizable for years to come. His story telling ability reflected in his panels are second to none. His detail is exquisite and at no point did I question who a character was and where they were located. He was able to depict each character with precise perfection. There are times when I find Greg Capullo to be very cocky, but I am starting to realize that he may have every right to be. 5 out of 5 stars!

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Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #2

Jul 27, 2017

Cullen Bunn wrote a decent Deadpool story in my opinion. It had all the corny rude humor that comes along with a character like Deadpool, he also wrote everyone else pretty well. This issue was chalked of different characters, as it should be. The whole issue just felt rushed and not very well put together. It just seems to me that the Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe again didn't really even need to happen nor is it really worth it. I would say this is a obviously a pass. There are plenty of other cooler stories that could have been told about Deadpool why rehash one over again so soon. Marvel should have waited a few years before doing it again. I am big fan of Deadpool and it just pains me to see such a horrible portrayal of him.

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Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #1

Oct 24, 2017

All and all I thought this was a really good issue, I like seeing Deadpool and Old Man Logan together it makes for a good read. This issue probably should have gotten a five out of five, but I am actually starting to wear a little thin on the whole Deadpool scene. Marvel have simply over loaded my system with I do believe. With the release of the hugely popular Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynolds it has catapulted the Deadpool character into a Spider-Man or X-Men status where they are instantly recognizable by everyone. Marvel is taking full advantage of this by flooding the market with everything Deadpool, and why shouldn't they you have to strike while the iron is hot. In the end this is a good read and I recommend it and I am looking forward to the next issue and further more looking forward to Mike Henderson's artwork.

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Invincible Iron Man (2016) #7

May 19, 2017

I think having Ri Ri as the smartest person in the Marvel Universe was a pretty good decision. As long as Brian Micheal Bendis continues to develop the character I think she will be just fine. 4 out of 5 stars!

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New Superman #12

Jun 20, 2017

Billy Tan is the saving grace of this issue, his artwork is amazing as usual. I have had an appreciation of Billy Tan's penciling since his work at Image Comics way back in 1996. The other thing that was pretty cool with the New Superman book is the way they portray some of our favorite DC heroes. They're Asian counter parts worked great and were designed really well, the Batman and Robin were really awesome.

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Nightwing (2016) #21

May 22, 2017

I am growing very disappointed in this Nightwing series especially seeing as how Nightwing is one of my favorite Batman related characters. I will have to say that this issue is unfortunately a pass.

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Secret Empire #1

May 9, 2017

Outstanding storytelling and flawless artwork seemingly a perfect comic book in my opinion.

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Secret Warriors (2017) #2

May 29, 2017

Javier Garron did a wonderful job with the artwork of this book. I liked the was all the characters looked including the guest stars. His pictures were subtle and not over the top, his display of Inferno's power was great. So far all the artist Marvel has involved with this Secret Empire Hydra takeover story arc have been phenomenal. The comic artists nowadays are so talented and it seems like the talent pool in the industry is endless.

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The Armory Wars, The: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #3

Jun 7, 2017

Rags Morales is truly a premiere artist, I don't think I have ever seen him produce a bad piece of artwork. I first saw Rags' in Valiant Comics Archer and Armstrong series, but it was his involvement in the new 52 reboot for DC comics that I think catapulted his career. I am glad Boom Studios got Rags Morales to produce the artwork for this series it really makes up for the lack of action. I think it was also awesome that they included a fan art variant cover I think more comics should do that. I think most comic companies would be surprised at how many artist would provide cover work for free, just to be able to draw a comic cover of your favorite characters would be payment enough. 4 out of 5 stars

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Weapon X (2017) #5

Jul 18, 2017

The artwork for me while descent, just didn't seem to up my alley personally. Marc Borstel does a job on his panel work but Sabertooth and Old Man Logan just didn't look the way they are supposed to. Maybe it was just me, but the art just didn't seem very eye-catching. 2 out of 5 stars!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #22

May 15, 2017

I don't think it was a horrible book, there was just not enough happening. It didn't seem like the issue was even needed for the Godwatch story arc it feels like DC just threw it in there.

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