Justin Sawyer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outright Geekery, Doom Rocket Reviews: 3
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Bug: The Adventures of Forager #3

Jul 16, 2017

The issue is a fun romp through a new dimension. Bug! continues to be a solid comic that delivers on the promise of its Kirby-crackling origins.

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American Gods: Shadows #5

Jul 2, 2017

In the end, I can't recommend this book to readers looking for their first exposure to Neil Gaiman's work. Not when you can get the novel for about the same price as the forthcoming trade paperback of the comic adaptation. As for his long time fans there is the joy of seeing Gaiman's work adapted to his former stomping grounds of the comics medium, but, unless you're a completist there's little reason to pick up the single issues. Wait for the graphic novel, or, better yet, flip over to Starz and catch up on the visually stunning TV adaptation.

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Giant Days #28

Jul 7, 2017

If there is one complaint to be charged against this issue of Giant Days, it'd have to be that the issue feels short, as though there were more story and more laughs to be had within the confines of its pages. Trade paperbacks have become the essential format for character driven stories like Giant Days. But, if you can't wait for a nice big trade, these single issues should be sweet enough morsels to tide you over.

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