Myke Ladonia's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 2
6.0Avg. Review Rating

Earth 2: Futures End #1

Sep 9, 2014

There are a few great set pieces for sale here, but, for the most part, the whole issue just tries too hard to let you know that its going to be important to the bigger Futures End arc with some really half-assed MacGuffin-esque set-ups. Id say this title could be skipped, if it werent for the fact that Earth 2 may become a big exposition dump for the entire Futures End plot.

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Earth 2: World's End #1

Oct 13, 2014

The dour, defeated tone of the book, along with the overload of new information, makes this Earth 2 a tough read, and after awhile it seems like the motivation to keep turning pages is to see what crazy, twisted thingApokolipscan throw at this Earth next. The lack of any solid, familiar ground will put off newcomers, but for the DC hardcore it may just be worth it to see the many alterations done to every storyline, how everything comes together, and how it seems like its all going to just eventually fall apart.

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