Noelle Webster's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Newsarama Reviews: 8
7.4Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #23.2

Sep 16, 2013

There's a lot of good stuff going on in the issue, but much of it just didn't quite come together for me. It's nice to see a fresh story, and Pak and Lashley have created some great (literal and figurative) monsters together. I just would have liked to see more of the story, and wish it didn't feel so rushed.

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East of West #6

Sep 30, 2013

The issue offers insight into some of the characters, as well as giving the reader a better understanding of the East of West world. We may not see a direct continuation of Death's story, but the issue certainly has momentum. It gets you excited for what's to come, which is how issues like this need to work. I was initially skeptical about the lack of Death in the issue, but it's another great installment by Hickman and I'm pleased to have been wrong.

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Hinterkind #1

Oct 3, 2013

Despite being an extra-large issue with additional pages, the issue simply doesn't accomplish enough. We only get glimpses of who these characters are, and even less about this post-apocalyptic society. I'm hoping to see a better fleshed out world and society in future issues.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #1

Sep 16, 2013

Are these the Avengers we normally look for and see? Not so much, but they're the ones we've got. Not without its flaws, MA#1 succeeds in laying the groundwork for the characters, and just plain ol' having some fun.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #23.1

Sep 23, 2013

And Arcane certainly is just that"a monster. He notes that he never claimed to be anything else. Soule's decision to embrace Arcane's disturbing qualities instead of justifying them make for a distinct issue. Serving as more than just a one-shot, the issue is a great read and a great use of the Villains Month format.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #24

Oct 7, 2013

It's an interesting point to make: is Alec relying too much on the Parliament? Has he become too content that he assumes he will be helped and therefore doesn't have to worry? He's going to be up against someone given the exact same power and opportunity, so it's up to Alec Holland and not the avatar win now. While the issue doesn't have the same urgency as the previous issues, it lays the groundwork for a story that I think will be exciting. A battle royale to be the Avatar of the Green? Sign me up.

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The Sandman Overture #1

Nov 4, 2013

It's not the plot that will stick with you after reading the issue, it's the feel. It's knowing that we're back with Sandman, and that we're in good hands. I'm sure I wasn't the only one equal parts excited and nervous for the issue. I wanted more Sandman, but I didn't if it wasn't going to be as good. I was nervous that Overture could end up tainting something that we all hold so dear. Again, I know it's a personal series for many, it often being the first comic that people read. But it's back, it's pretty, and my fears have subsided. Let's sit back and enjoy it.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #24

Oct 22, 2013

Despite some nice character moments and promising plot lines, the issue ultimately doesn't accomplish much. Much of it is due to the nature of a set up issue, but the issue is scattered and would have benefited from more focus. I look forward to seeing some of these plots unfold, and hope to see some more action next issue.

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