Slaine: The Brutania Chronicles: Psychopomp #3
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Slaine: The Brutania Chronicles: Psychopomp #3

Writer: Pat Mills Artist: Simon Davis Publisher: 2000AD Release Date: June 14, 2017 Cover Price: $17.99 Critic Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Revenge of the Cyth! Albion, in a time of legend. Celtic warrior Sláine united the tribes of the Earth Goddess Danu and became the first High King of Ireland, before returning to being a wanderer. Now, having journeyed to the Isle of Monadh to rescue Sinead from the Drune Lords, he's discovered that they have been experimenting on their own creations, including the brutal, superhuman Primordial, whom Sláine has just learnt is his old friend Gort. The fully-painted epic story of the UK's bestselling Celtic barbarian continue!

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Allan Bevan-Haines May 1, 2017

    Overall, Psychopomp is deeper than you would first expect and Pat Mills is throwing new and emotionally charged challenges at his Celtic berserker. This character-driven adversity makes Sline a surprisingly refreshing read for 2017; far removed from 30 or so years ago where in his first appearance he is seen hustling and cheating a group of onlookers out of their money as they bet that Sline couldn't kill a time-monster. Sline has matured, he's thoroughly enjoyable to read and this latest part to The Brutania Chronicles is a rewarding experience. Read Full Review

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