Oberon #5
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Oberon #5

Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: Milos Slavkovic Publisher: Aftershock Comics Release Date: July 10, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The dethroned King of the Fairies' sordid past is revealed as Oberon comes face-to-face with his former servant - PUCK. But is he friend...or foe?
From writer Ryan Parrot (VOLITION, Power Rangers) and artist Milos Slavkovic (Lightstep), OBERON is a supernatural adventure proving once and for all that fairies should never be trust-ed.
"...Ryan Parrott's script and Milo Slavkovic's illustrations are imaginative and in-spired...promises to be an accessible and highly-entertaining fantasy tale." - Charlie Chipman, The Brazen Bull

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 14, 2019

    The series ends, but Oberon's plans are only beginning. The non-ending nature of this issue hurts this series overall. There's some really good stuff here, but to stop now is a crime. The visuals are better than most books, but are a little looser than previous issues. The colors and lettering are strong. I enjoyed this, but not as much as previous issues. That said, I would buy a sequel series/issue in a heartbeat. AfterShock, make this happen! Please! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jul 11, 2019

    You can never be too sure how long an AfterShock series will run though I do like that they seem to average between five to six issues. There are some that could go on longer and I do think Oberon is one whose story I'd love to see explored more and to go bigger with. There isn't a real sense of finality here but you can see it as a good closure point with Parrott taking us to a place where Bonnie has to make a real choice about what she wants, even if it's made through lies by others, and to move forward in earnest. We get that done well and get to see plenty of how Oberon manipulates situations to his advantage. I'll hope for more eventually but will also be content with what we got. Read Full Review

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