Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 5 #1
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Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 5 #1

Writer: Blake Northcott Artist: Donny Tran Publisher: Aspen Comics Release Date: May 23, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Aspen Comics' hit action-adventure assassin series marks its 10-Year Anniversary with a brand new pulse-pounding volume!
When a routine security job takes a turn for the worse, Executive Assistant Iris realizes she might be at the crossroads of her career! The world's deadliest assassin is faced with a choice: remain a freelance Executive Assistant, or join Magni Global-a mysterious corporation that has acquired nearly every private security firm on the planet. But, what fateful decisions may come from joining a giant conglomerate whose interests may spell doom for her?!
Brought to you by acclaimed author Blake Northcott (Michael Turn more

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 1, 2018

    As with most Aspen comics, effort is taken to get the character into various levels of undress on multiple occasions (and get her naked feet oddly highlighted in a couple of random panels which seems to really be playing to a select clientele). While not that memorable, the comic does its job of setting up its core character and world, although longtime fans are likely to enjoy this one more than first-time readers. For fans. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    SloboSOY May 24, 2018

    My first aspen comics ... Even if it's a issue 1, I see that Iris as another volume before this one. I fear that I will be a little lost in this one. And frankly the Art I see on the 25 cents issue didn't give me the need to take it. But There I am with a issue I didn't solicited.
    And frankly I loved reading it. That was smart & sexy (But not in the easy way & rough sexy part). I like the fact that I enter the story with a character who fill be less effective than before). And for a story about a fighting character with only one easy fight I enjoy reading it a lot. I love Black Widow but didn't like any book with her alone. I liked Danger girls art, but the story was not very strong. So Iris in one little book beat the crap of both lic more

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