Black Summer #6

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Juan Jose Ryp Publisher: Avatar Press Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

John Horus has come home, to the place where the Seven Guns started. Which may have been the plan all along - because, in the chaos of the conflict between the Guns and the army, it's the only place in America where he can be trapped and killed by Frank Blacksmith's new super-team of Tactical Guns...

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace May 15, 2008

    To label Black Summer as a superhero comic would be to sell the concept short, because it's difficult to identify anyone as the hero of this book. For example, there are increasingly obvious parallels between Horus and the murdered President, and it's perfectly possible to understand why Frank Blacksmith is so keen to take the Seven Guns out of the picture given the carnage and destruction that they have caused over the last few issues. That's a testament to Ellis' skill in crafting a morally ambiguous and complex story that refuses to commit to a single point of view, and it makes the story far more engaging and involving than many superhero books manage to be. Black Summer is a comic that has intellectual depth without sacrificing the visual thrills that are a big part of the appeal of the superhero genre and from the looks of the last page, issue #7 is going to provide a big bang ending to go along with the meaty moral debate that the book has offered up for consumption here. I l Read Full Review

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