Futurama Comics #51

Writer: Eric Rogers Artist: Various Publisher: Bongo Comics Release Date: September 29, 2010 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 4, 2010

    Eric Rogers writes both stories. His characterization for the cast is dead-on, and his plotting makes sense, but there's very few laugh out loud moments. The main story is more of a straight-forward, quirky science fiction adventure that wouldn't be suitable for any other characters, except perhaps the crew of Red Dwarf. The Zap Brannigan vignette is too brief to instill any impact. Read Full Review

  • 10
    KurtPikachu Feb 2, 2016

    This comic book ruled! Tops my list of all time favorites. Why wasn't this made into an episode about the Omicrons instead of Lrreconcilable Ndndifferences? Any plot about Lrrr and his overbearing wife Ndnd you know will be spectacular. Fry Cook is the title. It's everything a Futurama episode should be. Loved how Fry was forced to be Lrrrs chef and then him and Bender are in competition who makes better food for Lrrr. Then Leela comes to save the day. Really loved Benders comic strip in this issue made out of ketchup and mustard about Bender being heroic. Bender has a massive ego and that's why we love him. Way better than Frys Delivery Boy Man Comic Strip. God bless 2010. Will miss that year forever.

    Very fun story, I more

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