Deep State #1
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Deep State #1

Writer: Justin Jordan Artist: Ariela Kristantina Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: November 12, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 6
7.8Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

John Harrow doesn't exist, and his job is to make sure that other things don't exist, too. At any given time, the government is running dozens of black book operations, experiments that aren't on any official record and are never acknowledged to exist. Some of these are innocuous. Some of them are monstrous beyond reason. And most of the time, they go as expected and the public is never the wiser. Most of the time. John Harrow's job is to handle them when things go wrong, and do anything to make sure the government's secrets stay just that-secret.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - J.L. Caraballo Nov 17, 2014

    Although the final page (a big splash layout) resembles something out of The Venture Brothers, that is no way an insult: the comic looks and reads great. This is a fun, exciting read, and it is worth delving into the world of Deep State. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Nov 13, 2014

    This was a strong first issue, and I can't wait to find out more. I hope we get more information about other popular conspiracy theories and the "truths" behind them that Harrow and his organisation have covered up. The series has a sort of X-Files vibe minus the skepticism. Get on board with this first issue at your LCS or digitally. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Alamo Nov 28, 2014

    Deep State #1 is a solid premiere to a series that I believe will be a lot of fun. It quickly and successfully sets up the premise, the players, and the narrative while moving the story forward without any dawdling. Even so, it leaves enough mystery about all of these to allow Jordan to build a compelling story from both a character and plot perspective. There's certainly enough material out there to keep this story going for a long while and I look forward to the book tackling some of the conspiracies that I've wondered about. The tagline "the truth is out there" may belong to the X-Files, but with Deep State we may have finally found it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    TheCultDen - Steve Taylor-Bryant Nov 14, 2014

    I do love a conspiracy comic, the problem is most of them make up a conspiracy but have no back story or substance. Deep State is different. It is very X-Files in its execution and that is pleasing to my corrupted imagination. The cover is stunning and the artwork inside the issue is on a par with the cover, making for a fantastic read. Deep State will not be for everyone, but for a conspiracy nut X-Files fan it really hits the spot. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Nov 12, 2014

    “Deep State” #1 is a very strong debut that signifies the start of something very special. I am immediately excited for the next issue. With authenticcharacters, a very strong premise and great art, “Deep State” is not a comic to be missed. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Nov 10, 2014

    The sum of the experience is an intriguing series, filled with a few surprises here and there. For those that treat conspiracies as just another aspect of pop culture, there is likely to be something new here to digest, but there is even a lot here for those fully immersed in the sub-culture of conspiracies. The writing is generally of a high standard, and the artistic style, while at first seemingly a bit of place, melds well with the storytelling style by the end of the issue as the pair of investigators get thoroughly involved with a conspiracy. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    BGCP - Jordanne MacDonald Nov 12, 2014

    Deep State #1 is an excellent new series and i am excited to see where they decide to go with it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Nov 11, 2014

    Deep State is a mystery-horror-sci-fi thriller. It's X-Files meets CIS and I cannot be happier with how the first issue ended up. The art was gritty and dark but yet fantastic. The world created by Justin Jordan really comes to life with the fantastic art by Ariela Kristantina and Ben Wilsonham. The real question isn't whether the government will be able to keep their secrets - its how long. This book is fun and exciting.  If you are a sci-fi or conspiracy theory fan then this book is certainly for you. I would recommend this book to anyone and give it the first arc to stay on your pull list.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Dec 17, 2014

    I was pretty impressed with Deep State. I like the art, despite wishing for a little more, and the story is fine, despite being a little derivative. It's not perfect, but it's very good, and I expect it to do well. The only thing that would keep me from picking it up every month is my already-stretched-too-thin comic book budget – there is just too much out there to read everything. But if you're into government lies or aliens and aren't already reading a few dozen comics a month, you're likely to really enjoy this. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Adam Cadmon Nov 14, 2014

    Overall, this is a nice read and gets this Crusader's seal of approval. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - David Craig Nov 12, 2014

    In the end, I don't have many bad things to say about Deep State #1. I think you could pick apart some of the weaker aspects of the issue " such as the slightly expository dialogue, or how the premise of the book is put together by one flimsy sentence " but in my opinion these really don't weigh the book down at all. In fact I think that somehow they just make this sci-fi tale more fun. Deep State is not a book that is supposed to be thought about in great depth. It's a book that wants to take you on an awesome journey of space monsters from the moon and shady government agencies, and I implore you to let it do so. You will not regret it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Nov 12, 2014

    Does a more serious sci-fi book with a horror vibe that draws parallels to X-Files and Men in Black sound good to you? If so, you'll want to pick up BOOM! Studios' DEEP STATE #1. Jordan yanks us right into this shadowy world and unleashes a very entertaining first mystery. With just this debut chapter, he's able to tell us the basics about what makes this place unique, gives us a little insight into the two leads, and delivers an exciting conclusion. Kristantina and Wilsonham's visuals are a great fit for this darker and more mysterious atmosphere and each page does a more than satisfying job pulling you into each setting. DEEP STATE is off to a very promising start and, if you love sci-fi mysteries, you should really consider checking it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Nov 11, 2014

    This journey will be exciting as Jordan has created a story that allows these creators to move around freely in and inspect every shadow in our nation's history. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Nov 13, 2014

    All in all, I would have to say I was surprised by how much I enjoyed "Deep State" #1. Even as a fan of Justin Jordan's, I wasn't sure what to think going in, but I was subsequently blown away by the artwork from both Ariela Kristantina and Ben Wilsonham and then immediately charmed by Jordan's writing once more. If there is a writer in comics more versatile than Justin Jordan, I would like to meet them. This is a book for anyone who is or was a fan of The X-Files and wants to see what that show would be like if set against the paranoia and murkiness of the modern day, but also wants it to keep the charm and banter that made that show so enjoyable to watch. Between that and the utterly gorgeous artwork, I would say "Deep State" is another surprise hit from BOOM! Studios, a publisher doing a lot lately to stand out in the crowd by bring enjoyable and original creator owned content to the table. This is one not to miss. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Tres Dean Nov 13, 2014

    Justin Jordan and Ariela Kristiantina's debut title from Boom! Studios this week has all the promise of a great series. Essentially taking on the premise of Mulder and Scully working for the bad guys, the series' first issue is a dark and grim " but very engaging " read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Nov 14, 2014

    "Deep State" #1 has me intrigued but not excited. It's intelligent and undeniably well-done, but I'll need to see more of this world and its characters to really fall in love. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 12, 2014

    Now, all I can say to describe Deep State at this point is that it's a strong start. Admittedly, it is a victim of decompression, albeit nothing that we haven't seen in a million other books on the stands. But with a deficit of strong characterization, a little bit further plot progression might have sealed the deal. For now, it's more on the razor's edge - the ideas are there, and the execution seems promising, so if the next issue makes more progress, Deep State could be a winner. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Denise Blakely Nov 12, 2014

    I find the storyline appealing enough to retain my interest in Deep State. I enjoy that Jordan has woven his imagination with real conspiracy theories and I know that anyone who loves that kind of stuff is really going to dig this book. I'm super picky about artwork and taste is relative, so don't let my dislike of this books panels keep you from reading. I'm a little worried Kristantina will read this and hate me: I'm sorry. Check out her Midnight Bunny series, it's not only unique, but super rad as well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Nov 12, 2014

    As it stands now, however, this was simply a well-crafted issue that's enjoyable enough warrant a return ticket for issue #2, where I have a feeling we'll really see just how good this series might (or might not) be. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Capeless Crusader - Jesse Quick-Rincon Nov 13, 2014

    All in all Deep State #1 isnt a bad book. It isnt a book I would advise against. Hell, I'll even buy the second issue. But ultimately I cant give it too high of a score; it's not ambitious enough to be noteworthy and not well executed enough to power through its own cliches. However I know enough about conspiracy theories to know that everything is not always what it seems at first glance. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Nov 11, 2014

    This issue was a great start but it leaves the reader wanting more. Deep State‘s debut was easy to follow and enjoyable to read, but it didn't feel like there was enough there for it to sink its hooks in. However, it is unfair to always expect first issues to blow your mind right off the bat. Some stories, like Deep State, are more restrained and need time and space to evolve into a greater beast then what it once was. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 18, 2014

    There's always a dangerous game to be played with first issues: Too much back story can alienate, too much action without establishing consequences and characters can have the same effect, and this issue takes a middle path that doesn't quite do the best service to either our build-up and introduction or the beginnings of our action. Even so, Deep State #1 has an intriguing story to tell, aided by really expressive art and a fun (if familiar) premise. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nick Jan 27, 2015

    Deep State Vol. 1Deep State Vol. 1 by Justin Jordan

    My rating: 5 of 5 stars

    This is a review for Issue #1 and #2.

    After not understanding (a.k.a highly disliking) BOOM!'s publication of l. 1 by Ryan Browne">God Hates Astronauts, Vol. 1, I retreated to the my safe alcove of Image and Vertigo comics. Recently at the comic book store, which is admittedly one of the best places to spend my Wednesday mornings, I heard praise for Deep State Vol. 1. I then saw the last copies of issues #1 and #2 sitting on the new series rack and since they looked like they needed a home, and the art looked fucking awesome, I decided to give BOOM! another shot.

    I am so happy I did.

    The first issue is gripping, well drawn, well colored, and damn-well written. This is going to be a big story among those of us who love mature content and superheroless comic books.

    From Issue #1:
    "The problem with secrets is that they don't want to stay that way. They say information wants to be free.
    And maybe that's the case.
    But what I do know is that every story wants to be told.
    You can bury them as deep as you want. You can hide them. You can toss them into the darkest places you can imagine, but sooner or later...
    They always come back." more

  • 10
    Bad Hominid Nov 24, 2014

    Great first issue. It's kind of like Men in Black, but much much better. Or maybe it's like the X-files if it followed the Syndicate instead of Mulder's FBI shenanigans. Basically it's a very interesting scifi procedural with a lot of potential. Shadow organizations, alien life, crazy moon landing conspiracies (but not at all what you're imagining), it's fantastic.

    The artwork is dark and moody, which is a perfect compliment to the story. Fun read, I'm expecting a lot from this series.

  • 8.5
    Jon-C17 Nov 13, 2014

    A little cookie-cutter as far as background; the art isn't amazing, and it's clearly drawing a lot from X-Files, but I am a huge sucker for this type of book. If you like conspiracies, aliens, men and women in suits with guns, then pick this up. I am excited for issue #2!

  • 7.5
    Soyner Nov 15, 2014

    I both liked this issue...and kinda just thought it was "okay". Still not exactly sure what to think. It has potential to be INCREDIBLE. Or it could end up being just a boring X-Files clone that never really sets itself away from the herd. I guess future issues will answer that question.

  • 7.0
    Cosmic Ray Nov 16, 2014

    X-files knock-off.

  • 7.5
    eVanDiesel Feb 18, 2015

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