Irredeemable #37
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Irredeemable #37

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Diego Barreto Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: May 23, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.1Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

THE FINAL ISSUE OF MARK WAID’S SEMINAL SUPERHERO SERIES! Can the Plutonian, seemingly IRREDEEMABLE, find his salvation? What is the true definition of a hero? And can a world, ravaged by loss and carnage, ever believe in such an idea again? The stunning, breathtaking conclusion to Mark Waid’s Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated superhero saga. DO NOT MISS THIS FINAL ISSUE OF A MASTER WRITER’S TOUR DE FORCE!

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy May 23, 2012

    Many writers don't get an opportunity to end a series on their own terms; Mark Waid showed us what Neil Gaiman showed us with Sandman"how powerful it can be to simultaneously have a real ending, and yet have it be the ending that doesn't end (one might say Gaiman's Sandman was" Endless). Even more powerful, I asked Waid over twitter if this finale has been the endgame since he first began penning the series, and he confirmed it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 May 23, 2012

    Needless to say, this issue was rather bittersweet... This is the last time I'll get to read about Qubit(who had become a favorite character of mine) or Kaiden, or anybody else from this universe... However, I guess it's NOT the last time I'll be reading about the Plutonian since he lives on in Superman! THAT was a sweet piece of storytelling by Mark Waid, which should come as no surprise to anybody. Waid is one of the top writers in all of comics and it's no shock that he ended this issue so wonderfully. In the end, the Plutonian DID kind of get redeemed, as he was reimagined as the greatest hero in the DC Universe. My heart tells me this was a perfect comic book, my head tells me it was a really, really good one. In the case of this comic, I'm definitely going to go with my heart. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicville - Chris Blackwell Jun 10, 2012

    If you haven't been reading Irredeemable then you have been missing out. I would encourage anyone (aged 14 or older) who is interested in comics to go read the past volumes of the Irredeemable series. It was an exciting series, and I will be watching Mark Waid closely to see what his next work will be. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal May 24, 2012

    As far as endings go this book was pretty weak. The last three pages feel like they’re there to save the limp story that Waid and Boom have been milking for nearly twenty issues. If the story had been in three solid acts then I think this ending would have been very powerful, but just randomly ending on issue thirty-seven shows that it was planned when Waid introduced his easy out. I’m sure long time readers will enjoy it and others that lapsed will praise the ending, but I call bull shit. The ending doesn’t match up to the natural progression of the series and really discredits everything that it accomplished by being an unnecessary homage to a character that’s had plenty. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov May 24, 2012

    Or maybe I didn't really get it. That's highly possible too. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Hailey Oct 26, 2022

    Only writing a review for the final issue but I am going to say that overall I loved reading this series. It run out of the gas in the last couple of issues with many things being realy weird in not a good way. But still the finale stuck the landing and the beautiful cligghanger at rhe end really sold on me the story and the "redemption" Plutonian got at the end.

    highly recomend this series.

  • 8.0
    daspidaboy Sep 3, 2021

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