Lumberjanes #24

Writer: Shannon Watters, Kat Leyh Artist: Carey Pietsch Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: March 16, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Lumberjanes wrap up their adventure with Seafarin' Karen and Molly gains a greater understanding of shapeshifters.

  • 9.0
    PopOptiq - Ashley Leckwold Mar 16, 2016

    Lumberjanes #24 ends the selkie arc as it hits its next stride. Taking examples from the girls themselves, the creative team works together to bring the arc home in a satisfying way. While Watters, Leyh, Pietsch, Laaiho and Aiese may not be going for the same badge April was in this arc, but they certainly deserve one after delivering a finale where everyone gets to shine while still wrapping up the story in a way that never feels too rushed or leaves anything hanging. This is the kind of story you want going into the third year of a comic, and it doesnt disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jeff Lake Mar 17, 2016

    From the touching exchange between Molly and Mal to the hilarious back-and-forth between Ripley and her selkie mirror image, issue #24 wears its heart-shaped badge on its sleeve, and the series is better for it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Madison Butler Mar 16, 2016

    Overall, Lumberjanes #24 brought this arc to a satisfying close just in time for the series two-year anniversary. The Lumberjanes will return next month with an oversized Lumberjanes #25 to celebrate two years of camp friendships and shenanigans. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Sam Wildman Mar 21, 2016

    Everything seems to be back to normal. And the girls get their knot tying badges! (Talk about a hard badge to get.) They start heading back to camp when someone unseen looks at them through a lens that shows a magical, colorful glow around all the girls with Molly's seemingly growing to far surpass her friends after her time with the Bear Woman. It's a great way to end an arc that stretched out maybe an issue longer than I would have liked. The next issue should be especially good, though. It's the supersized second anniversary issue! Read Full Review

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