Suicide Risk #6

Writer: Mike Carey Artist: Elena Casagrande Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: October 2, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.4Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Trapped in the clutches of the Nightmare Crew, Leo Winters must find a way to protect both his family...and his sanity. But Leo soon discovers the lengths he will go to do both might scare even the supervillains who have him trapped...

  • 8.8
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Oct 4, 2013

    SUICIDE RISK keeps getting better, and issue #6 is yet another fine example. While some books may suffer from expanding their scope too far, this is not one of them, thanks to Carey's focus on Leo Winters and his family, maintaining our personal connections to the grand events unfolding. There's simply a lot to like when it comes to this book, and that's why it's constantly at the top of my reading list each and every month. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Steve Paugh Oct 2, 2013

    I do like the ridiculous level to which the Nightmare Scenario aspire in the revelation of their plot, and that could be fun to see turn out, but it feels like this book is being pulled in too many different directions at the moment and is in danger of being pulled too thin in total. Ironically, the title is running a suicide risk if it continues to be crushed under too much premise, but hopefully it can pull itself together before it's too far-gone. Read Full Review

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