Welcome Back #7

Writer: Christopher Sebela Artist: Claire Roe Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 20, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Mali and Tessa head to South Africa, Tessa's homeland, to hide out from the army of Sequels chasing them.

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Ashley Leckwold Apr 25, 2016

    This particular issue is less focused on action, but it doesnt mean there isnt a war going on. Instead of Sequels against Sequels, its a more personal, emotional war between Mali and Tessas mother Jana. Along with being Tessas trainer, Jana is also the wife of a former president of South Africa, making Tessa powerful in more ways than one. Naturally, the parents arent too fond of Mali. For her father, its because of the gay thing. For Jana, its because neither Mali or Tessa did their job. There is a little bit of violence between Jana and Mali, but their war is more of that of words. The sad hopefulness of Mali versus the vicious realism of Jana. It adds another layer of emotion to this already heartbreaking and strangely hopeful series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Madison Butler Apr 20, 2016

    Overall, the issue is one of the strongest of the series so far. This issue introduces some new characters to the mix, gives the story a clear direction, and is an absolute must-read as part of the series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Big Comic Page - Andrew McGlinn Apr 20, 2016

    We(l)come Back 7 has set us up nicely for the conclusion of Tess and Mali's story. Christopher Sebela has worked a little bit of creative magic with now having to tie up the story that little bit sooner than expected. I'll lament the passing of this title, I really wish there was a green light for four more, and we'll probably never know the reason why. Tess' mum makes for a fantastic enemy, and it looks like Sebela has managed to distil enough of her into part 7 that I'm looking forward to her come-uppance already. The final teaser is something no-one will be expecting, and despite my grumbling this is still a great episode. It looks like we'll bid adieu to Tess and Mali with a bang. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Asa Giannini Apr 20, 2016

    I could easily go on about things that didn't work in Welcome Back #7, but it would be pointless. When an issue is overstuffed in this way, even elements that normally work feel odd and awkward. For example, Tessa and Mali's relationship had been a highlight to the series, a central emotional story that anchors the chaos around it. But here, the relationship feels shallow and boring, a hormonal parade of sappy flirting and constant sex. Welcome Back is assuredly still a title to watch, but after this issue, I have lost more than a little confidence in the book. Read Full Review

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