Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #4

Writer: Andrew Chambliss Artist: Georges Jeanty Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: December 14, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.6Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

As Xander, Dawn, and Willow retreat into their own complicated lives, Buffy finds herself drawn more closely to her new friend Severin, a mysterious crime fighter in his own right, and a snappy dresser to boot. Together they take on a new kind of vampire threat while Buffy's not-in-the-know roomies start snooping through her unslept-in bedroom. Now what could they possibly find?

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Maria Selke Dec 30, 2011

    This issue was everything that an arc finale should be. I was left completely satisfied with the resolution of the battle with Severin but eagerly anticipating the next arc. How will Buffy's new roommates react to her job as a slayer? Will the demon Koh continue to be involved in the plotline? Will the detectives find a way to join Buffy in her struggle or continue to block her? I hope to see more of these characters, as well as seeing more of Willow in the arcs to come. Overall, it was an excellent end to the four issue arc that leaves enough dangling ends to get me ready for the rest of the season. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Tim Vinton Dec 17, 2011

    To be fair, this is not a bad issue. It is just more shallow than I would have liked. Dialogue still has enough of the Whedon style, but Buffy's cutesy phrases are getting to sound a little forced. The art is the same as it has been without any especially striking images, despite there being a boss fight. The reveal of the shadowy puppet master was not interesting and there was a lot of missed potential. If you are a big fan of guys with glowing green hands, then you will absolutely dig this issue. Just be advised: that is about all you will get. Read Full Review

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