Conan & the Midnight God #3

Writer: Joshua Dysart Artist: Will Conrad Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Critic Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
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  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew McLean Apr 17, 2007

    The best part of Conan and the Midnight God, though, is that rather than simply reiterating the works of Howard in some new way, it is adding its own pieces to the mythology. Stygia has always been a horrible place, but this series, and in particular this issue, is hinting that the world of Hyboria emerged from a long ago era that was even more frightening, an age when the gods of that dark place ruled over everything. Dysarts writing suggests that Ra Sidhs ultimate goal is to resurrect this power, return to that forgotten age and even topple Thoth-Amon himself. This issue is good blood-soaked fun with black magic mixed in for good measure. Read Full Review

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