Gamma #1 (One Shot)
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Gamma #1 (One Shot)

Writer: Ulises Farinas, Erick Freitas Artist: Ulises Farinas Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 24, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Dusty Keztchemal is a pathetic coward. He failed the entire planet, and now, the only way he can make a living is by getting punched in the face for money. But when a beautiful stranger wanders into his saloon looking for help, Dusty thinks he can conjure up the man he once was—the greatest monster trainer in the world!

  • 10
    Florida Geek Scene - IHAVEYOURSHIT Jul 24, 2013

    Between this one shot and Farinas work in Joe Casey's Catalyst Comix its safe to say that Dark Horse is doing a real good job of guaranteeing that im gonna throw large wads of cash at them. Im happy to see Dark Horse representing Farinas like this. Take my word, BUY THE TICKET AND GO FOR THE RIDE. It has so many things going for it; its loads of fun, funny, and NEW. And yeah, in my opinion its drawn by comics brightest talent. It deserves your attention. Its the kind of comic you make sure everyone in the shop is picking up. I cant stress it enough, read this comic book. It has your shit. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Nick Hanover Jul 31, 2013

    We've been treated to a disgusting number of great single issue comics this year already, but few are as complete a package as Gamma, which not only stands as an excellent example of how comics can achieve so much in such a small number of pages, but also serves as a breakout work from Farinas that will hopefully get him on the collective radar the same way Prophet did for Graham himself last year. At the least, it's going to force anyone who comes into contact with it to reexamine their thoughts on Pokemon, and that's no small feat. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jul 26, 2013

    Overall, "Gamma" is a comic that you should absolutely buy whenever you can. Buy it so that you can experience one of the funniest, most heart-felt, stories of the year. Buy it so the sales will warrant further stories. Buy it for one of the most inspirational last pages to ever grace a funny book. "Gamma" is parody done right. Like "Young Frankenstein" or "Blazing Saddles" there is definitely a direct source of inspiration, several when you count in "Gamma's" easter eggs, but the actual story within is so solid that it uses the source material as a base, not a crutch. "Gamma" is one of the most beautiful, funny, and fun books of the year and you'll want to pick it up before everyone and their grandma starts talking about it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Culture Mass - Wayne Strickland Jul 24, 2013

    Gamma presents an awesome tale of a coward facing his life as the most hated person alive. The writing is witty and sharp, while the art strikes an excellent dichotomy between the gritty and the cartoonish. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Sean A. Guynes Jul 24, 2013

    Farinas and Freitas Gamma one-shot is nothing less than a brilliant ode to my (and probably your) childhood, wrapped up in a messily light-hearted adult package. A laugh-your-ass-off bonanza with unique art and an oddball story. A must have, if just to experience its zany charm. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 24, 2013

    The one major negative of this series is that it doesn't have enough of the good stuff, which tells me it has potential for a sequel at the very least. Maybe that's contingent on how this sells. If that's true, go buy this now! The comic is a lot of fun and would be an interesting and compelling ongoing series. Unfortunately, a single issue isn't enough to let the story and concept breathe. You'll be left feeling the story is imbalanced, mostly because the best bits have yet to be said. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Jul 24, 2013

    Gamma was a cute story with some funny dialog. It kept me happy till the end. I know these one-shots always turn into other one-shots, so I hope this ends up being the case here. The story is lighthearted and it could only get better with another issue. All the references to old-time action television will sure bring in a crowd of fans for the comic. I look at it as a shout out to the shows that made us obsessed with heroes. Dusty still has more to tell so come on and tell us. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor Jul 25, 2013

    Wrapping this up,Gammais an odd bloodshot eyed duck in just the art style and world concept alone, it gets points for creativity and an interesting lead you can root for and who has a bit of depth to him. However, those seeking a broader insight into the world Gamma creates or a stronger element of closure or resolution to the story might be turned off. Even so I recommend this comic on visuals alone. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Ian Gowan Jul 28, 2013

    Anytime I laugh out loud while reading a comic book, then it's worth my time. The story is by both Ulises Farinas and Erik Freitas. The story can a bit sporadic, and not easy to follow. The silliness of it all may contribute to its lack of a smooth story flow. There were a few too many inside jokes and pop culture references for me to catch. Don't let the cartoon-ish look of the book fool you, this one is for older teens and adults. All in all, this is a very fun one-shot that is certainly worth your time. I'd buy the next issue, if and when, since this is a one-shot, another full issue comes out. These former DHP stories now as one-shots, tend to be the best comics shaking out of those anthologies. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Bloody Disgusting - ShadowJayd Jul 25, 2013

    Overall, while the art, particularly in terms of Farinas kaiju, is charming, the script just doesnt live up to the genres and popular culture references its trying to emulate. As a one-shot, its forgivable, and even interesting in parts; but as an expanded upon universe? Not sure itll do well. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Alex Jul 24, 2013

    Gamma has some great artwork, and uninspiring writing. The series can not be recommended with so many other great titles littering the stands. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    AIPT - Forrest Hollingsworth Sep 17, 2018

    Overwhelming in its implementation many ideas, Gamma fails to connect to the reader with any of them and instead spreads itself far too thin. Read Full Review

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