Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence #3

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Bruce Redondo Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: September 26, 2012 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
8.2Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

While an injured Darth Maul recuperates from his recent battle with a team of Jedi, he plots his revenge—and the rescue of his brother Savage Opress (now in Jedi custody). But it isn’t simply the Jedi that Maul must face; it’s a powerful mining magnate with forces of his own!

Luckily for Maul, the mine owner has made a career out of exploiting the local work force, and the natives are . . . revolting!

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Sep 23, 2012

    I can't recommend this series highly enough. It is a ton of fun and several times I've described it as the best kind of Star Wars storytelling. Taylor, Redondo and Atiyeh are a great team and they work very well together as three fantastic issues will attest. The conclusion should be exceptional, and, if the rest of the series is any indication, it should be the best installment yet! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Oct 2, 2012

    You think the Sith have gone soft in the animated Clone Wars? Try this book and remember what a Sith can do! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 29, 2012

    Darth Maul is a strange character to warm up to. He barely had any time in the movies. He barely had any comics or novel action and he's had a taste of the TV show. However, as the boundaries continue to get pushed for this character, this comic series is proving to lead the way. This is a more cunning side to Maul and the comic book is highly entertaining because of it. I definitely recommend checking this out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - John Rose Sep 21, 2012

    The Death Sentence limited series crescendos in preparation of its final note with this entry and it brings a whole lot of weight of drama and suspense with it as Darth Maul assembles his army and prepares to enter combat with hell (almost literally in the form of a massive solar event) riding behind them. Of course since Darth Maul had survived being cut in half living solely on rage and hate the purpose of the battle may not be what his troops are praying for it to be, but then again they wouldn't be alone in feeling they were wrong if that happens as the Jedi on the planet are finding more evidence that they are not on the side of angels either. With the various sides clashing will this issue set things up for a finish filled with salvation or damnation as the series strikes up the band for the grand finale? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Sep 26, 2012

    This series has picked up a great deal after the first issue. You'll find yourself rooting for Maul, despite how twisted and terrible his intentions are, and there's more than a fair share of legitimately powerful moments. I can't wait for the next issue to see how everything unfolds, especially after that cliffhanger. Star Wars fans, you should be reading this! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Sep 25, 2012

    Looking forward to how this mini series wraps up and it makes you wonder if the bad guys can win, even in the Star Wars universe. Read Full Review

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