The Occultist #1
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The Occultist #1

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Mike Norton Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: October 2, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 15
7.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

An evil witch doctor needs the book of spells known as the Sword to reject the Occultist. He needs the weapon itself to decide that he is a bad host in the ongoing war against the realm of the dead. The solution lies in a Catholic schoolgirl who dabbles in death for a quick high.

  • 8.3
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Sep 25, 2013

    The story doesn't do anything big as an introduction which may be a reason to question if it's something to invest your time in, though if you want a story that takes advantage of the mixed elements of a superhero and horror story this is for you. Give it a try and you won't regret it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Culture Mass - Joshua Eubanks Oct 2, 2013

    Don't let the horrific cover scare you offthis book is better than it first appears. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - ShadowJayd Oct 4, 2013

    The latest Occultist series is shaping up to be another hit for Dark Horse Comics, and is proving to be a commendable addition to the superhero genre. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Rainbow Red Panda Oct 11, 2013

    I would highly recommend this series to my friends; it has a little something for everyone and can be enjoyed by a wide spectrum of age groups. Dark Horse as another hit on their hands! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Jeff Bouchard Oct 6, 2013

    I am glad to see The Occultist back and this time with a longer series where the creative team can explore the world that has been built. I'd like to learn more about The Sword and the powers its controller can harness. I find several parallels with the book and something like Amazing Spider-Man which is one of the appealing aspects to me. There is a nice blend of humor and action, and Seeley's dialog is funny without being over the top. There is also the growth, or lack thereof, with the protagonist as he learns to use his new-found abilities and get his personal life in order. Rob Bailey has a charming awkwardness about him that makes you want to root for him while at the same time realize that he is in control of a powerful and dangerous weapon. The Occultist #1 is a fun read and it sets up some interesting story points that I am excited to see play out over the next four issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Eric Bridges Sep 30, 2013

    Overall, this is a great start to new part in the chapter of The Occultist. Seely continues to be a stand up writer in the comic community and with the art of Mike Norton, The Occultist, and promises to be an exciting and fresh story that everyone should take a look at. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Florida Geek Scene - Shane Hannafey Oct 9, 2013

    There is a lot of interesting stuff here, but also a lot of clich. I feel like I have read too many supernatural/occult comics and it is hard to bring something new to the table. Im very forgiving with comic books, but this one just didn't grab me. It isnt a bad read and I think it has potential to be greater, but as far as Im concerned it just did not grab me and I really dont care to read issue number 2. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Oct 2, 2013

    I have never read anything involving the Occultist before and I kind of feel I should have in order to get the most out of this comic. From my read through, there are many characters here with their own histories and relations with one another that implies there is a lot going on or would mean a lot to the fans. For instance, the ending shows this character I have never seen before doing something I have no idea what could be. A fan will probably know what this means, but not me. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing for newcomers if the comic makes can get one interested enough in wanting to check out the previous stories.Reading this comic made me want to know more and check out the previous series Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Michael Hale Oct 2, 2013

    While this #1 comic seems not to be the best entry point into The Occultist series, it may best serve as a window into the larger franchise of the character. Still, despite some confusion as to backstory, the nature of The Occultist is clear " banishing demons, bizarre magical villains, and some good ol' fashioned teenage drama. On those merits alone it is worth a look, although you might want to look up the older mini-series runs beforehand. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Michelle White Oct 4, 2013

    So far as marrying the supernatural with the banal goes, this series is no "Revival" " at least, not yet, and not until we have a real reason to root for our protagonist. If you were a fan of the original miniseries, you'll definitely like it in this incarnation; there's still supernatural mayhem aplenty, and Rob's emotional if immature plight comes across strongly enough. But without previous investment in the material, "The Occultist" casts a pretty weak spell. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor Oct 8, 2013

    Going back to what I said at the start of this review a key thing for me with first issues is the question of promise and The Occultist promises good things to come. Rob is a likable protagonist who feels realistic without ever being annoyingly out of his depth. The universe and visuals are cool and the mythology is interesting and just horror oriented enough to help the book stand out in that sweet spot between horror and dark fantasy. There are a few hiccups but a lot of those have to do with being a new reader and unfamiliar with the character I'm sure that once the series starts going in earnest that won't be a problem. The Occultist is definitely one to keep an eye on guys I'm expecting very good things to come in the next few issues, recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Oct 2, 2013

    Some people might be a little lost on this series if they're just starting here, but I think the book does a good job of catching you up as a reader. For those of you that enjoyed the previous Occultist series you will definitely enjoy this issue as well. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Connor Relyea Oct 4, 2013

    Since this is just the beginning of the series it will be interesting to see where the book goes from here. There was plenty of set up for some exciting stories and it will be nice to see where the comic goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Oct 1, 2013

    Seeley and Norton craft a tale here that is just too simple for me to give full endorsement of the book. There are many different directions that the plot can take from here, especially considering the morose ending. However, readers should also keep in mind the fact that this tale is being compared to Doctor Strange by the creators. In the span of decades most stories involving the Marvel character have been awful. Best of luck to creative team in the further adventures featuring the character, even if this issue missed the mark. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Nat Webb Oct 4, 2013

    If it feels as though I'm beating a dead horse here, I apologize, but that's the overwhelming sense that "The Occultist" #1 left me with: there's just nothing new here. It's all very cookie-cutter, like it was written and drawn from the "How to Do X the Marvel Way" books they used to publish. For a comic about magic, "The Occultist" just doesn't feel very magical. Read Full Review

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