Action Comics #967

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Tyler Kirkham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 9, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 42
8.5Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

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"MEN OF STEEL" part one! LEX LUTHOR is under attack - and only Superman can save him! When the world's most ingenious scientific mind took on the mantle of Metropolis' new Man of Steel, the world took notice - and so did the mysterious Godslayer!

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Shane Tydeman Nov 18, 2016

    I am not a fan of Superman comics nor would I actively read them, this is one I'd definitely recommend. Has cool characters and beautiful art. Do ya'self a favor and check it out! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Nov 14, 2016

    Whew ... that's a lot going on in one issue! And for me, despite the action, despite the Jon/Clark stuff, my favorite part was the Lois/Lex staredown. You forget how awesome Lois is with her having been gone so long. You don't know how thirsty you are until you have a sip of water. I'll repeat a recent mantra. How wonderful is it to have great Superman books again? Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comicsverse - Aaron Berke Nov 10, 2016

    Overall, Action Comics has been a joy to read, and is one of the best titles in the Rebirth line-up. Issue 967 continues that tradition and leaves us incredibly excited for the next issue. As the question of which Superman will bring about the apocalypse is seemingly answered, we are all forced to wonder what daunting future lies in store for Metropolis, and indeed the Reborn DC Universe. Can't wait to find out. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Nov 10, 2016

    After a shaky opening arc and a bit of housekeeping, the next big Action Comics story hits the ground running and shows potential of being the most exciting tale from Dan Jurgens yet. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 9, 2016

    I've thought this comic was really going to hit its stride once Superman was forced to deal and reluctantly partner with Luthor. Jurgens took the scenic route in getting there, but the book is becoming a very enjoyable read over the last few installments. While Path of Doom was a chore to endure, Action Comics has found its sweet spot and the comic has become a worthwhile addition to the Superman titles reading pile. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Nov 9, 2016

    Ultimately, I quite enjoyed this issue and look forward to seeing this arc through. It was fairly obvious where they were going with the revelation about who the mysterious red caped despot of the future was, but it seems more like a means to an end than an actual mystery. With hints of Lex possibly returning to his roots as a supervillain, I am excited for what will come next and I have high hopes that they will pull off a satisfying story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Nov 10, 2016

    While this new threat is taking over the narrative, the lingering subplots continue to push the larger story forward. Jurgens seems to understand we are on a journey and parts of the story will unfold at different paces. This makes the storytelling enjoyable on different levels and holds your attention for the long run. The pacing is just right on all counts and I can't imagine not coming back month after month to Action Comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Matthew J. Theriault Nov 10, 2016

    Villains are always at their most interesting when they straddle the line of anti-hero, when their intentions appear as noble as the heroes they fight against. Magneto has often straddled that line, as did Sinestro during Johns' tenure and Black Adam when written by the same. The Marvel Netflix shows have perfected this formula: Fisk's plans to gentrify Hell's Kitchen were no less noble than Murdock's defense of the disenfranchised, and Kilgrave, at least initially, demonstrated the same moral fortitude in restraining his ambitions and abilities as does Superman himself. Luther had seemed to be moving in a similar direction over the past several years" until now. It should prove fascinating to discover what drives the real super Man to utter villainy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Nov 11, 2016

    Lois Lane interviews Lex Luthor about the otherworldly technology at his disposal, Superman takes Superboy to the Amazon in search of Geneticron, and an attack is launched on Metropolis in an attempt to fight the future. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 9, 2016

    While you won't get any real answers out of this issue to all the big questions we've had surrounding this series, what you will get is the beginning of a new story that really looks interesting....... and maybe the beginnings to some of those answers we so desperately want....... maybe.  We've got great art though all the way through and all of our previous stories converging here, which gets me pretty excited. Read Full Review

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