Adventure Comics #8

Writer: Various Artist: Various Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 3, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
5.8Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

ADVENTURE COMICS ships twice this month as this spring's Superman event "Brainiac and The Legion of Super-Heroes" starts with a prologue in #8 and reaches a boiling point in #9!Starting way back in "The Lightning Saga," various clues have been planted about a group of Legionnaires undercover in the 21st century. Who are they and why are they here? And what does their mission have to do with the fate of New Krypton? James Robinson (SUPERMAN) and Julin Lpez (WORLD'S FINEST) may have an answer or two!Meanwhile, in a tale of the 31st century by Sterling Gates (SUPERGIRL) and Clayton Henry (ADVENTURE COMICS), the Legion of Super-Heroes infiltrates more

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Mar 6, 2010

    Eric Trautmann does a great job here switching emphasis back and forth from the two. And Pier Gallo's art is moody and thick, just what this story needs. His art reminds me a bit of Pete Woods' art and that's a high compliment. The pieces are on the playing field. Let's get this started! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Mar 3, 2010

    All three stories in this issue are basically just preludes to the upcoming "Last Stand of New Krypton," but they do their job well, providing context, and a reason to care about what might happen next. And with Tellus and Quislet and the whole Legion gang back in action, the events on New Krypton should be a heck of a lot more interesting than they have in recent months. If this prologue is any indication, we won't have to suffer through the likes of "World of New Krypton" this time around. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Mar 6, 2010

    The "collector" in me that was interested in buying every issue of a series that I've been reading is mostly dead, and I'm not certain there's enough of him left in me to buy Adventure Comics #9 next month. However, if you want to read what seems to be a well-written peripheral story to Last Stand of New Krypton, then I can recommend Eric Trautman's "Awake" feature in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Mar 8, 2010

    Final verdict: passable entertainment and quite attractive visually, if you're starving for a Legion fix. But their looming involvement in a New Kryptonian war could be dicey. Robinson may tie in the story to his currently much-improved JLA, and in fact an overall increase in excitement and full-length stories would improve this book. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 13, 2010

    I love me some Legion, and its good to see old friends again, but that lone wont carry an entire issue. Balancing out the excellence of the co-feature (an unusual protagonist in a by-the-numbers action movie plot) and the mixed bag of the primary feature (the revelation of the Legion, but as an ongoing chapter of a story I havent been reading, but super-fine art) ends up putting this one right down the middle Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Tyler Parker Mar 3, 2010

    Overall, it's incredibly disappointing to see that Adventure Comics has already gone south, being relegated to a vehicle for prologues of upcoming events - especially considering the bright start that Johns and Manapul gave the series. If you've been rigorously following the events of the Superman books, then feel free to grab this issue for the sake of completion, just bear in mind that it's completely unnecessary. Honestly, this book should have been offered as a freebie on free comic book day – it's definitely not worth the $4 price it's demanding. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Mar 13, 2010

    Needless to say this comic did absolutely NOTHING for me. Don't like the Old Legion, don't care about them or their problems, and I didn't appreciate that every story ended by telling me, "To be continued in Last Stand of New Krypton #1!"... Yeah yeah, I got that the first time! If you're a fan of the Golden Age Legion/the Old Legion, or are Geoff Johns, you'll probably enjoy this comic. If not, then I'd recommending avoiding this one. Read Full Review

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