Batman '66 Meets The Man From U.N.C.L.E. #6
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Batman '66 Meets The Man From U.N.C.L.E. #6

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: David Hahn, Karl Kesel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 25, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Final issue! Trapped at the bottom of the sea, surrounded by the deadliest villains of Gotham City-all led by the most diabolical criminal mastermind of the age! How can Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Napoleon and Illya possibly survive the deepest deathtrap of all? Impossible-unless some of the villains happen to be double agents...

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Gerry Green May 25, 2016

    If you are considering getting caught up on Batman '66 Meets the Man from UNCLE I would recommend it. Even though #6 isn't the best issue in the series, overall it is a satisfying story from beginning to end with enough twists and turns to keep things moving. The winks at the audience are part of the Batman '66 charm and if you in any way enjoy a look back into the simpler Bat-world of yesteryear this mini will serve you well. Don't expect anything approaching realism or a plot that will stand up to a shower-long analysis. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws May 25, 2016

    A disappointing ending to a pretty good series, the parts that are great make it worth it even if the whole isn't quite satisfying. It's fun while it lasts, though, and we don't have long to wait until the next crossover. Plus, I don't ever have to type U.N.C.L.E. ever again, so, you know, bonus. Read Full Review

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