Birds Of Prey (2010)

Birds Of Prey (2010)

Publisher: DC Comics Release: May 2010 - Aug 2011 Issues: 15 Critic Reviews: 81
7.0 Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

Soaring out of BRIGHTEST DAY, the Birds are back in town! Because you demanded it, fan-favorites Gail Simone (WONDER WOMAN, SECRET SIX) and Ed Benes (JUSTICE LEAGUE, GREEN LANTERN) reunite to reinvent the book where they made their explosive debut as a team. Oracle, Black Canary, Huntress and Lady Blackhawk all return to Gotham City where they belong and they've brought a couple of new friends (or are they foes?) along with them!Guest-starring a major Bat-villain and the first appearance of the most dangerous, most twisted new Birds villain ever!

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