Countdown to Final Crisis #17

Writer: Paul Dini, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray Artist: Ron Lim Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 2, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
5.6Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Mary Marvel's battle with Eclipso takes her to Paradise Island. Meanwhile, on Earth-51, the Challengers are betrayed by one of their own--just as the Monitors arrive with a score to settle!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jan 4, 2008

    Despite having some Mary Marvel stuff, I think the evil Bob / Monitor / Monarch stuff easily outweighs the bad and is actually entertaining if you don't pick it apart too much. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Beard Jan 5, 2008

    Major Tom to Ground Control: send me this weeks issue of Countdown to Mystery, as it shows what happened to Eclipso after Mary gave her the bums rush. It also has some of the most gigantic breasts ever drawn in a comic book ever. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 2, 2008

    Hmmm…so much for the fair shake thing, huh? What can I say? Countdown finally boasts competent artwork (Ron Lim steps up to bat in this issue) and a storyline that is finally going somewhere. That should come as good news to anyone who has stuck with the book this long, but for me, it's still too little too late. Only 16 more weeks to go… Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jan 7, 2008

    Outside of crackheads and fans of snuff films, I don't know who would be interested in Countdown to Final Crisis. Honestly, Countdown to Final Crisis and all the associated titles like Countdown Arena are pushing me to the verge of dropping every single DC title that I read. Well, with the obvious exception of the Legion of Super Heroes. It is pretty much what happened after Crisis on Infinite Earths finished. I was so turned off by what DC did to the DCU that I dropped every DC title except for my beloved Legion of Super Heroes. Of course, that paid off for me as I had to watch DC proceed to rape the Legion beyond recognition during the TMK Legion run. Read Full Review

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