DC Universe Presents #10

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Bernard Chang Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 20, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.6Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

In part two of this three-part tale, KASS works with her father convicted serial killer VANDAL SAVAGE to catch a killer before its too late!

  • 9.0
    IGN - Poet Mase Jun 20, 2012

    The upshot of DCUP #10 is that Savage's character is thrown into sharp relief against his co-stars and his force-of-nature personality is set loose. The most delicious moment of the story is not any point within the two covers but the hours after having read the story where one wonders what actions Savage will take. Will he destroy the imitator to protect his daughter? Will he ignore his daughter's plight and punish the imitator for disrespecting him? Will he just live up to his usual, selfish personality anddemolish everything in sight solely because it feels good and he can? I'll be back to find out, and you should too! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 25, 2012

    Once again, Robinson delivers an intriguing glimpse into another of DC's least understood characters, though he raises even more questions in the process. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Jun 25, 2012

    This second part of "Savage" would be hard to read as a stand-alone issue, seeing as elements from DC Universe Presents #9 come into play throughout the issue, and the ramifications of this month's events will be concluded next month. Then again, I guess the same could be said about most any comic book series, but in this case, it would be like watching The Godfather, Part II without having seen The Godfather or knowing anything about it. I'm sure it would be enjoyable, but you wouldn't have a frame of reference for these characters or their motivations. Read Full Review

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