DC Universe Presents #14

Writer: Marc Andreyko Artist: Robson Rocha Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 21, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

The Black and Blue team of Black Lightning and Blue Devil take on the damned souls of Los Angeles! Mobster Tobias Whale makes a deal with the demon Neibros! Someone close to our heroes is being used against them!

  • 8.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Nov 22, 2012

    Marc Andreyko has excelled in this reintroduction to two DC Comics mainstays. A worry is that the story has been cut short one issue, so while the start might be great, the landing might need some help landing. The art, by Robson Rocha, is on form and itself brings a nice tone to the book.Overall this is still on track to being an interesting new origin for these two and an entertaining romp throughout. Will the term Black and Blue in the future become as well-known as Blue and Gold? Well just have to wait and see. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 24, 2012

    All in all, I'm excited to see these two characters, but not entirely on-board with this incarnation. There are a great many clichd elements to be had here, from both the crime-drama and magical-adventure genres, with the seeming intention that mashing up both story types will cover for them. I'm happy to see Black Lightning back in action, but I'd really like to see him looking (and acting) more unique, and this Blue Devil doesn't really touch on either the iconic "weirdness-magnet" or "regular-feller-in-demon-ranks" versions pre-Flashpoint. DC Universe Presents #14 isn't a bad comic, but needs a little bit of extra zing (be it in terms of the art improving or a big story-twist that I didn't see coming) to really launch it to a successful ongoing series. Read Full Review

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