Detective Comics #49

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Fernando Pasarin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 3, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Caught up in an cold case from his days on the force, James Gordon grapples with the new freedom he has as Batman to investigate the crimes of Gotham Cityand the slippery slope that this freedom can be. Does the system hes believed in all this time still work? Or is it the only thing he has left to hold on to?

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Feb 4, 2016

    Detective Comics #48+49 have been simply amazing. Without a doubt, this arc has been one of the strongest contenders that Detective has delivered in some time. It's got actual detective work, impressive visuals, believable scenarios, an insanely high creepy factor, pulse-pounding action, and an encounter that puts Gordon's emotional composure on edge. I simply couldn't ask for anything more. While there is still one part to go till we can qualify this as an unparalleled success, I'm more confident now than ever that I'm finally going to get a good story out of Detective Comics. Come on Tomasi. I believe in you! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Nat Brehmer Feb 12, 2016

    Overall, this issue has continued an uphill trend for this series. By this point, my interests in the book and where it is headed are definitely reinvigorated. Hopefully, it will come to a satisfying conclusion in the last few issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Feb 3, 2016

    Closing Thoughts: There are no signs or hints as to who the killer might be. The blatant hiding of his face would make you think we've seen him before, but I don't believe we have, it just makes the guy more creepy. If that is the case, I hope we never see his face, as a reveal would be pointless. I also wonder if Barbara may get captured at some point. The story seemed to hint at that, and I think it could lead to a great moment between father and daughter, but it's something that I don't think would hurt the comic if it doesn't happen. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Mar 8, 2016

    Detective Comics #49 is a good read! I'm enjoying Gordon's run as the Batman! It's pretty interesting to see life outside of the batcave, Alfred, Robin and etc. Pretty much everything we've known about Batman has been tossed out the window for a moment– and that's completely fine. With Gordon we have a completely new, yet familiar set of supporting characters that make for a great story. Definitely check out Detective Comics #49–its worth your time–and your money! Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Levi Hunt Feb 4, 2016

    Detective Comics #49 is a solidly told and engaging mystery. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - John McCubbin Feb 5, 2016

    Detective Comics #49 is a solid continuation to “The Bronze Age” story arc, as despite not being quite as exhilarating as the previous installment, it moved things forward in an engaging manner. The creative team would also end things on a high, as despite the villain not interesting me too much, his plan most certainly does. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 5, 2016

    There's a lot to like here, and I feel like Tomasi, Pasarin and Ryan have settled into "Detective Comics" well. If this creative team continues to tell stories about Jim Gordon after Bruce Wayne picks the mantle back up, that's something I could definitely get behind. Read Full Review

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