Detective Comics #829

Writer: Stuart Moore Artist: Andy Clarke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 7, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
5.6Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

"The Siege" part 1! A costumed terrorist called VOX plans to blow up Wayne Tower and he's trapped Bruce Wayne in a top-floor conference room. Aided only by his mentor's radioed instructions, Robin must face the bomber alone!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Mar 12, 2007

    I loved Frank Millers 1986 series, but it ruined the in-continuity Batman books for nearly 20 years by influencing how DC handled the character. Fortunately, that approach to the character seems to be changingand Detective Comics #829 is yet another step in the right direction. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 13, 2007

    Detective Comics #829 was nothing more than your standard issue filler issue turned in by a guest creative team. However, one positive did come from this issue. I now completely appreciate everything that Dini has done on this title including his continual one-shot format. The Revolution is always ready to keep an open mind and admit when our opinion has been changed. I would most certainly rather have Dini's excellently done one-shot issues than the type of average multi-issue story arc that Moore is currently giving us. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Mar 8, 2007

    As I stated, I am a fan of Andy Clarkes artwork and combined with Stuart Moores decent story, everything fits well together in this issue. While it is by no means the most original story featuring Batman, it is better than Grotesk, and it puts Batman into a real-life situation that we rarely see. This issue is not the most unique, but it is a pretty good story and looks to be a decent filler-arc that is worth checking out at the very least, especially for bat-fans. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Mar 16, 2007

    Writer Stuart Moore fills in for regular scribe Paul Dini for a couple of issues, and like Dini's done several times, he opts to introduce a new villain with this story. Vox is a terrorist-related character, and that's a logical development given the political and military climate that dominates the news these days. His liquid-explosive gimmick is smart and even has an air of plausibility to it (as does the SWAT look for the character design). I think the codename is a bit of a misstep, if only because DC already has an active, C-list hero by that name at the moment (currently a member of the Doom Patrol). I like the plot, which keeps the Batman from changing out of his civilian guise, leaving Robin to do the heavy lifting. Still, the Dark Knight manages to get involved in the action from an intellectual, strategic standpoint. Still, there's something of a generic tone to the plotting as well, and there just doesn't seem to be the sense of danger that's vital to selling the story. Andy Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Mar 10, 2007

    The art isn't a saving grace. While Andy Clarke and Nathan Eyring turn in a decent Robin, their Bruce Wayne eschews tailor cut suits for the stylish, new business muumuu, baggy trousers and of course color clashing Hush-puppies. He appears to have been stricken ill with the mumps, and he also seems to have acquired scleroderma of the hands. His eyes lose their ice-blue threat in favor of what appears to be black marbles surrounded by halos of periwinkle. In short, this was crap. You deserve better. I deserve better, and anybody on the fence should not buy this issue. Read Full Review

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