Flash #207

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Alberto Dose, Howard Porter Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 25, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Once again in the public eye-but with his secret identity still unknown-the Flash is confronted by Kid Flash and Jay Garrick! Only this family reunion goes anything but smoothly.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 27, 2004

    The book returns to the more familiar confines of the super-hero action format that made me into a fan of Geoff Johns' run, but the Rogues that the Flash runs up against in this issue don't really make for an exciting battle, though the last page arrival of one of the heavy-hitter members of the Rogues does look promising. However, while the battle has a rather familiar feel about it, the rest of the book does a nice enough job setting the table for newer readers, as all the information one needs to know is included in these pages, and while long time readers might find this recap of information to be devoid of any real new insights, I'm willing to let the book make an active bid to build up its fan base through the use of fan friendly jumping on points like this issue. With that said, I am eager to move on to the material that wasn't touched upon in the pages of the previous arc, such as the Flash's relationship with his teammates in the JLA, and the super-powered members of his suppo Read Full Review

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