Green Lantern #159

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 12, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
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Green Lantern and Jade defend a race of space nomads from a endless horde of creatures. The two of them have held back the rampage by shielding themselves inside one of the last remaining cities...only to find that it may turn out to be their prison!

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 18, 2003

    I'm sure there will be many fans who will be quite pleased by the return of yet another member of the Green Lantern Corps, but truth be told this little surprise simply wasn't enough. This story pretty telegraphed the direction it was heading right from the first meeting that Kyle & Jade had with the Resal leader, and this final chapter is incredibly disappointing in that it offers up the safe & utterly predictable ending. In fact the only thing missing from the scene where the Resal decide to abandon the planet is the mustache twirling that normally comes as part of the package when a villain is painted in such broad strokes. I can easily believe that Judd Winick is on the verge of leaving this title, as it's become quite apparent that this book is no longer stirring his creative juices, and here's hoping the new setting that Green Arrow provides will help get him back on track. This issue is a completely mundane affair that is somewhat redeemed by the return of a character who I imag Read Full Review

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