Jonah Hex #44

Writer: Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Cristiano Cucina Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 3, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The "Six Gun War" epic starts here! Quentin Turnbull is out for vengeance on the man he believes is responsible for killing his son and that man is Jonah Hex! Bullets, broads and banditos abound in this 6-part storyarc. Guest starring El Papagayo, Tallulah Black and the always-charming Bat Lash!

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 13, 2009

    Wouldn't that just tick Josh Brolin off? This series is one of the strangest things that DC is putting out right now, a book with no continuity ties (most of the time) set in the old west, with nary a cape nor cowl in sight, and yet it's one of my most anticipated reads each time. Jonah's adventures are hard-edged things, filled with death and unpleasantness, and I like the hell out of them, especially the rough-egded hero. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray have been turning in wonderfully realized done-in-one stories for several years, with this being their first noticable foray into multi-part stories (a Crisis on Finite Dodge Cities, if you will) and the setup has me interested, if only to see Hex and Talullah give Turnbull and company a taste of their own medicine. Art this issue is by Cristiano Cucina, who gives the proceedings an appropriately Spaghetti Western feel, and the overall effect of the book is impressive, dirty, and reminiscent of stories like 'Unforgiven.' Jon Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Jun 9, 2009

    The art has a desperate, dangerous look to it but some panels are just scratchy and undefined. Some characters don't come off very well. Tallulah Black for one, looks as if she were drawn by an amateur. The grey of Hex's old Confederate uniform seems to be the same shade of the blue of the army soldiers. And for a storyline focusing on guns, the artist does not draw revolvers very well. Considering what a "big" event this is, DC Comics should have pushed for a better art job. Read Full Review

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