JSA #42

Writer: David Goyer, Geoff Johns Artist: Leonard Kirk Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 13, 2002 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
5.0Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

Thrown back into the 1940s, Mister Terrific and Hawkgirl must team up with a past hero from the JSA to stop the time traveler known as Black Barax from wreaking havoc. That hero? The original Mr. Terrific!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 22, 2002

    The interaction between the new Mr. Terrific & the original was quite entertaining, and this issue does a pretty fair job of presenting the original hero as a pretty interesting character who I wouldn't mind seeing again, as this issue is my first real exposure to the character. The book should also give fans of the Golden Age heroes a nice bit of nostalgia, as the Freedom Fighters put in an appearance, and while they don't really do much beyond provide background color, it is nice to see these characters are still part of DCU continuity, as I believe this is the first appearance many of these characters have made since Crisis. The cliffhanger finish this issue has is also worth a mention, as there's something on this last page has me quite curious, and it's great to see Vandal Savage finally making an appearance in this series. The only areas of this issue that I didn't care much for was the rather quick resolution to the Black Barax threat, and the Doctor Fate pages did absolutely no Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Nov 15, 2002

    On a continuity note, I'm puzzled why Uncle Sam refers to Hawkgirl as a stranger. I can see him not recognizing the new Mr. Terrific, but let's see now: a woman who wears wings and a hawk-like helmet. "Well 'tarnation, it must be that Hawkgirl I've heard about." Hawkgirl should be flying around in her Shiera Saunders incarnation. If she hasn't donned those wings yet, Sam should have at least come to the conclusion that she was connected with Hawkman who was definitely flying about at this time. There's another massive continuity blunder involving Mordu, but really, DC no matter how vociferous their protests to the contrary may be doesn't have a continuity any more so why should I bother? The real problem is too much time is spent in Gemworld with the new Dr. Fate. These scenes are dull, unnecessary and take the reader away from the focus of the time traveling tale. I'm certain the writers are planning something big with Gemworld and Dr. Fate, but the reasoning to get him there is Read Full Review

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