Justice League / Power Rangers #4

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Stephen Byrne Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 17, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Superman is determined to help the Power Rangers return to their dimension before the teens learn the pain of losing their entire planet. Billy and Cyborg have a plan that could save the day, but it seems impossible-unless there's a Large Hadron Collider available? Co-Published with BOOM! Studios.

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine May 18, 2017

    This is a great issue; it is a lot of fun. The two teams are a lot more compatible than I thought before and it's a lot of fun to see them work together. The cosplay part of the story is awesome and adorable. And I love this art. I highly recommend reading this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Nerd Church Radio - Ariel DuPey May 17, 2017

    If you want to feel like a kid again, with a bowel of fruit loops in front of you, and the TV on Saturday morning cartoons, this book is perfect for you. Tom Taylor is doing a great job of mixing nostalgia with just plain good story telling, and with good characterizations. Add in some art that fits the tone of the story to a T, and you'll have one of my favorite books coming out of DC right now, Justice League/ Power Rangers! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Sharna Jahangir May 20, 2017

    I highly recommend this crossover series. Watching two childhood superhero teams work together will cause a smile on your face, no doubt. A simple plot and conflict, but it doesn't mean I won't enjoy the ride. There are the classic lessons in this: love your family, respect your elders, and believe in yourself. All around, a good-hearted issue. Issue#5 comes out August 9th, 2017, a bit of a wait, but worth it for your collection! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke May 17, 2017

    Another good installment in an all-ages friendly crossover. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Branden Murray May 17, 2017

    Bits and PiecesThe JusticeLeague/Power Rangers fourth issue continues the trend in the series of providingan entertaining crossover to sink your teeth into with some great art fans ofeither property highlighted will appreciate. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 18, 2017

    While a perfectly serviceable tale, it's still hard to pinpoint just who Tom Taylor is trying to reach with this series. In writing something that appears geared to all-ages, Taylor's overly general script fails to hit any real resonant notes with either property, despite the many overly convenient plot devices he uses to instigate them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Philip Schweier Jul 13, 2017

    Theartwork is fun, if a bit dark. I appreciate how Stephen Byrne renders hischaracters in classic poses, reinforcing the iconic nature of these legendaryheroes. Thankfully, it does not descend into caricature, an easy pitfall forthe best of artists. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Jonathan Edwards May 17, 2017

    Having got past the Hadron Collider shit, this issue actually wasn't as bad as the last one. However, I still hesitate to call it anything more than mediocre. Equipping the Rangers with semi-iconic accoutrements of DC characters is an aggrandizing gimmick that really feels a bit insulting given how little they've collectively done thus far to earn it. Furthermore, it's absurd that no one in the Justice League would voice any concerns over Cyborg plugging directly into Braniac's machinery. It's fine if he does it because the situation requires him to, despite how dangerous it is. But when that danger isn't even acknowledged in the first place, my only reaction to that plan backfiring is "well, what did you think was going to happen?" Read Full Review

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