Justice League of America #58

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Daniel Sampere Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 22, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

After last issue's devastating battle with the Spectre, Eclipso now has the power to split the moon in two, an omen that the end of days has begun. With life on Earth at stake, Batman much hatch a desperate plan involving Shade, Starman and the Atom. At the same time, another member of the team steps forward, not knowing how vital she is to mankind's survival. Prepare for "Eclipso vs. Donna Troy" with an ending that will shock you!

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 28, 2011

    So the table is set for next month's finale. The Shade will get freed. Eclipso's army will desert him. And then, I think, Jade has to be the one to ultimately defeat him. She has been trumpeted throughout this run as stronger than ever, massively powerful. Freed from Eclipso's control and seeing Donna, I bet trounces him. Now, as for the moon, I bet the Starheart somehow undoes the damage to recreate the mystic city. As much as I am looking forward to seeing how all this wraps up, I actually am looking forward to JLA #60 more, Robinson's epilogue/love letter/finale to this team. I constantly remind myself that I only came to this book because Supergirl was on the team. I am glad I came because this has been a year plus here, bringing this quasi-'Big Seven' team together. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Poet Mase Jun 22, 2011

    With the moon shattered and the new angel of vengeance poised to spread devastation across the universe, there's a lot of urgency in this issue. The dialogue is lacking and the flashback timing is a little confusing at times, but these shortcomings are easily overlooked against the backdrop of Starman's secret mission and Donna Troy's desperate battle with Eclipso. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jun 26, 2011

    Eh. With the exception of Saint Walker's inclusion here, I had no real complaints. The JLA very clearly outlined their plan and enacted it, while Eclipso's forces fought to defend their master. It was all pretty straightforward. No problems here, so we'll simply move on. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 26, 2011

    Robinson has done a great job with this series, making it bigger than the sum of the characters on the roster and giving the reader a magnificent sampling of the vast offerings of the DCU. Given the shortage of issues left, he shows no sign of letting up and I am enthused about the remainder of this series. I just hope Robinson is given a chance to shine in the New DCU. Read Full Review

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