Justice League Unlimited #16

Writer: Adam Beechen Artist: Carlo Barbieri Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 7, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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Supergirl, Atom-Smasher and some of the team's younger members have monitor duty over the winter holiday, but their night might not be so silent when Girder breaks out of Iron Heights Penitentiary!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 9, 2005

    With all these assets, only one sour note can be found. I'm absolutely delighted to say that Beechen, Barbieri, Wong and the good folks at Heroic Age cannot be faulted. There are a few minor artistic gaffes involving Hawkgirl's hair disappearing and reappearing from panel to panel, but nay! Tis' the origin of the Girder that plays a sour note. In a Bronze Age issue of the Avengers, the team visits my hometown of Pittsburgh where an envious co-worker knocks a steelworker into a vat of molten metal. A piece of uru chipped from Thor's hammer serves as the object of the co-worker's envy and the source that transforms the hapless victim into a metallic monster. Girder's origin is very similar. Remove the pathos, and Tony Woodward--a sphincter by all accounts--is thrown into a vat of molten steel that's been laced by STAR labs by-product. Geoff Johns, Master of the Infinite Lazyarium. Gosh, that felt good. Read Full Review

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