Justice League Unlimited #37

Writer: Matt Wayne Artist: Min S. Ku Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Sep 8, 2007

    Batman has no words for the turmoil Rama Kushna has caused him, and Hawkgirl watches him shift quietly away from the scene of hard won victory. He hasn't been broken, but he has been dented. After the answer to why the Spectre went off his nut is revealed, Hawkgirl furtively flies off after Batman. The final page is about how Hawkgirl won't let Batman suffer without reprieve. The touching moment is set off with a gentle tap on the Batwing's cockpit, and Hawkgirl knows just how to deal with Batman. She knows exactly how to approach him and how to remind him that he's human. Magnificent. Read Full Review

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