Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #20

Writer: Alex De Campi Artist: Neil Googe Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 24, 2014 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
6.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

"Venus Rising" part 1 of 2. Diana agreed to represent the Justice League as the first space station for harvesting Venusian fuel gases is brought online. But the entrepreneur in charge of the project may be hiding something, and he's not the only one...Venus itself has some big surprises in store!

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 25, 2014

    The story here is fairly straightforward but it's also a big diversion from what we've gotten in Sensation Comics so far. A mission to Venus is certainly not the norm, though the mission is stockpiled with familiar stock characters. There's a mission with the dialogue and social issues as well, but it's one that comics have long dealt with and it does it right and well – if you're on that side of those issues of course. Complementing the fun story is the really enjoyable artwork and designs from Mike S. Miller, who gives Diana a solid spacesuit that plays to her color design. We also get her really well designed outfit at the start, which left me looking over the details of it multiple times to enjoy the way it was crafted. Good stuff overall, fun and smart while also being a bit goofy as it works within some really constrained spaces. It'll be interesting to see how it all comes together in the second half. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Kate Kane Dec 31, 2014

    Sensations Comics brings us in the unknown frontier as Diana must now figure out what is happening to the new space station and how to save the crew members around it. Stay tuned to see what happens to Wonder Woman as part two concludes this space odyssey. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Dec 27, 2014

    I don't know what Alex De Campi was going for her, but I felt dirty after reading this issue.  Sensation Comics often has inspirational stories, bit this one inspired me to take a shower.  And it wasn't even the week I usually do that!  Neil Googe's art was good, but this is one issue that every Wonder Woman fan should steer clear of.  Maybe I can pay Wonder Woman to punch De Campi. Read Full Review

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