Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #47

Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 9, 2015 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 10, 2015

    Sensation Comics rolls this arc to a close and it does it with plenty of rock 'em, sock 'em action – and a dose pregnancy thrown in just to complicate matters. Should a supervillain fight while pregnant? Should a hero? Does this speak to greater social aspects of what women should and shouldn't do while pregnant? There's a lot of potential there for a good dialogue-driven story, but it's not one to have amid the fight itself. While that piece felt shoehorned in the bulk of the book is pretty fun overall with some great artwork and fight choreography and a couple of minor but welcome moments with the regular folks that Diana ended up protecting as they get to provide a different view and commentary on events. While not my favorite arc of the series and one that I think could have been shorter, it's still a pretty decent one as a whole with a different view of Diana than we've been getting. Read Full Review

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