Supergirl & The Legion of Super-Heroes #17

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Barry Kitson Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 26, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
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Learn more about the newest member of the Legion as the team tries to come to terms with the identity of this powerhouse blonde from the 21st century!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Apr 29, 2006

    So, what about this Legion incarnation? In order for me to really judge their role in the story, I'd actually have to have some kind of feeling about them, and I don't. They're less snarky than they were last issue, drawn really well though I have some issues with the redesigned costumes--especially Triplicate Girl's awful orange cape and dog collar--but very few of them have any real substance. A former favorite Legionnaire, Shadow Lass is growing on me, but she's only one of two that has any real spark in the dialogue. Light Lass' personality develops because of her negative reactions to Supergirl. She doesn't really exhibit anything of her own non-dependent personality. The rest of the team are like blank slates, well drawn blank slates, but blank slates none the less. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 28, 2006

    This issue centered all around the little plastic red S. Supergirl managed to make the rest of the Legion look useless against the robot villain at the beginning of the issue. She continually shows that she is obviously more valuable than the entire Legion combines. And on top of it, she has positively the most irritating and annoying personality in comics. It is like reading Britney Spears meets the Legion of Super Heroes. I cannot think of a more generic, plastic and one-dimensional character than Supergirl. And yet, DC just keeps shoving her down out throats on several different titles... Hey, Supergirl can punk out the Titans, the JLA and the Legion combined! Yay!! Ohmigod! She's so cool!! xoxoxo =) Read Full Review

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