Superman #702

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Eddy Barrows Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 11, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
6.7Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

"Grounded" continues as Superman enters a small town in Ohio where, like many towns, a number of its residents are from other places. But when The Man of Steel discovers that there are also a number of residents secretly from other worlds, he unravels a mystery that may have grave consequences for Earth.

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Aug 13, 2010

    Theres a simple way to say it: I dont remember the last time Ive read a book that so perfectly captures who Superman is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk Aug 12, 2010

    As long as the contemplative, personal tone can be maintained for the duration of the storyline (or at least if breeches in this overall mood are less jarring), I think this has the potential to be a fantastic new chapter for Superman, and a great opportunity for passing fans like me to jump fully onto the Man of Steel's bandwagon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Aug 13, 2010

    I like Eddy Barrows' work here. The fight scene with the battlesuit really crackled. I also like that he makes the S-shield huge. That is how is should look. I am not ready to give up on this storyline. Some of the moments in this book were really great. And I can't get caught up with what may be. I have to stay in the now. That said, despite the great moments within the book, my overall reaction to this was somewhat tepid. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 12, 2010

    I'm going to give this series another couple of issues to catch hold, but I have to say that so far it's just not getting the job done. Your mileage may vary. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Aug 12, 2010

    But like I said, "Grounded" is at the very least an interesting experiment. JMS is working without a net on this one, and it's somewhat inspiring to see the scribe put himself so far out there. Superhero comics play it safe way too often these days, and this one definitely doesn't. That's refreshing and fun to see. And as long as JMS can balance the story's weakness with the strengths he's currently displaying, "Grounded" might go down as a story that's nearly as successful as it is ambitious. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Aug 17, 2010

    At this point, after two-and-a-bit issues of slight disappointment in the quality of JMSs storytelling, Im not sure whether Im willing to give his run on Superman another shot or not. Im half tempted to stick around just to see how the writer handles the reaction of the next issues guest star to Supermans unusual antics. But frankly, there are many other comics out there that deserve my money far more than this one does and at this point it doesnt look like Grounded is ever going to really take off. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 15, 2010

    I didn't know what to think about this story when it was announced. It smacked of headline-grabbing gimmickry, a non-event for the sake of being different. I thought after two years of Kryptonian onslaught, it might make a little sense to investigate what makes Superman important, but this doesn't address Superman as Superman. Moreover, it removes him from what defines the character. It saddens me that the one comic on the shelves actually featuring Superman (how is it that the most recognizable superhero only has one comic?) is reduced to this gimmick of a story. It's a great concept, sure, but maybe for an annual, a special, or a miniseries. I can appreciate that Straczynski wants to investigate the "man" and leave the "super" off to the side, but the end result is flat. If Superman's only going to be in one title, that title should be celebrating everything Superman is to the absolute fullest. Read Full Review

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