Superman #52
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Superman #52

Event\Storyline: The Final Days of Superman Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 25, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 25
6.2Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

"The Final Days of Superman" epic concludes in one explosive fight as the new master villain uses Superman's own solar super flare power against everyone. Can even two Supermen, Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Batman be enough to stop this onslaught? And how will the tragic outcome of this battle change the life of one of the Lois Lanes forever?

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Alex Henning May 26, 2016

    Pick this issue up! If you've cared about Superman before, you owe it to yourself to pick this one up. It's both inspiring ad heartbreaking, and the way things turn out, I wouldn't have wished it any other way. The dialogue, the characters, and the emotion were just so powerful. Superman shows here just why we love him, and he's the best part of the issue hands down. Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Lois were amazing, but nothing really compared to the Man of Steel. This was a powerful and sad issue, but one that is well worth your time and your money. Superman's legacy lives on, and this issue shows that it's not been forgotten. There's just not enough good I can say about this issue, but i can urge you again: pick this issue up! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj May 27, 2016

    Overall, I thought this was a very good issue, ending one era while setting up the next. I thought the battle portion was of a large enough scope to bring suspense. I thought the goodbye scenes were poignant and perfect. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho May 26, 2016

    Superman #52 is a wonderful send off for a series that had a rocky existence. Peter Tomasi writes an emotional issue that will make even the toughest readers depressed. The art is downright killer and everyone involved put in an A+ effort. This is an issue worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown May 24, 2016

    “The Great Pretender” is a good read especially if you enjoy the Trinity in action like I do. I always love seeing Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman work together and their interactions often times have their funny moments too. “The Final Days of Superman” is a good story arc to read and it involves a lot of characters that I already enjoy reading separately from the series. I'm eager to see what role this “Solar Superman” has truly and if my theory is correct! Check out Superman #52! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones May 31, 2016

    Superman #52, with stunning artwork by Mikel Janin and Miguel Sepulveda (and equally jaw-dropping colors from Janin and his Grayson colorist Jeromy Cox), is a spectacular finish to a troubled era. It's bombastic in a way that Superman hasn't been in years (it makes all of "Men of Tomorrow" seem like a strange dream, and "Truth" like a horrible nightmare). Superman #52 is a bittersweet finale issue that could have fizzled out with little fuss, but went to the bother of letting this series go out on a wonderfully heartfelt note. If DC Comics' aim is to make people want to love the Man of Tomorrow again, they're starting off on the right foot. Now. To the future. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - John McCubbin May 27, 2016

    Superman #52 brings “The Last Days of Superman” to an emotional close, as despite knowing how things would end prior to this tale starting, it was still a touching moment. That said, the crossover as a whole did feel two issues too long with this finale have a sudden change in tempo. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza May 30, 2016

    This story didn't deliver on the Super League premise it was originally solicited with, at least not in the context of this eight-part adventure, but on the second to last page of this issue, Tomasi, Janin, and Sepulveda give readers a knowing nod that maybe, just maybe, it actually did deliver. We'll just have to keep reading to find out how. One thing is for certain: the S-shield is still flying through the skies of the DC Universe, and, for the first time in five years, that symbol has me thinking that it (maybe, just maybe) means “hope.” Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - David Brooke May 25, 2016

    An effective farewell and an earned last gasp effort to save the world makes "The Final Days of Superman" worth reading. There are more questions than answers – and ultimately this is a punch fest – but it's a solid superhero comic through and through. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett May 25, 2016

    While the comic is good, it's not super. As I said, it's tame in so many ways once the price is paid. The emotional impact is just missing. I don't remember that with Superman #75. Hell, I experienced more emotion with Batman v Superman. There's sound and fury, and it all adds up to nothing to riff off a famous quote. While I'm not sure what I'd do different, this just feels like an odd end to a rather odd time in DC history. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Weird Science - Jim Werner May 25, 2016

    The Final Days of Superman is over and while this finale didn't correct all of the problems I had with the entire arc, it ended in such an emotional way that I can almost overlook it all...almost.  While I still think pieces of the puzzle were taken out of the equation, Tomasi did his best to tie it all together and stick the landing.  I still have a ton of questions that I don't think will ever be answered (what happened to Jon's pets???), but I also have the feels and if anything, this issue and arc reminded me of how much I love Superman.  You hear that DC?!?!?  I love Superman!!!  Don't mess things up again!  Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph May 25, 2016

    Let's just say that I expect many questions to be answered this June within the pages ofSuperman: Rebirth#1 andSuperman#1. I can tell you those are but a few of my must reads for June. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Brian Warshaw May 26, 2016

    This arc began with a bang, but ends with a whimper. It's never sunk so low that I didn't enjoy reading it, but I feel like Tomasi failed to keep the promise and live up to the potential of last month's Superman #51. This final installment attempts to wrap things up, but while it makes a good try of bringing things back down to more intimate, character-driven moments, it ends up feeling like a setup for the new status quo. This Superman had to die so that DC's Superman going forward could be with Lois; and for that to happen, a Superman with an attachment to Wonder Woman would need to be removed. I really wish there was a better reason. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 25, 2016

    At best, "The Final Days of Superman" was always a flawed crossover. Sadly, the story's flaws overwhelm its strengths in the final chapter. Too much room is devoted to the battle with the underwhelming villain and too little to Superman's rushed (but still emotional) death scene. Mikel Janin's art is also uncharacteristically weak. This isn't exactly the sendoff the New 52 Superman deserved, but at least the stage is set for a new status quo for the franchise. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough May 25, 2016

    When I finished this issue, I was optimistic about the future of the Superman books, though disappointed in this conclusion. It feels like a coldly edited moving of pieces from A to B rather than a swansong for the character. While I don't have the emotional attachment to this version of Superman, I'm sure many do, so it feels weird to just give up and boot him off the board rather than deliver a fitting conclusion. Overall though, I'm excited for what looks to be coming next, which will hopefully rectify the Superman line and give him the title he deserves. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon May 25, 2016

    This finale will be overshadowed by the dawn of Rebirth, and this version of Superman is unlikely to be fondly remembered. The New 52 was an interesting experiment. It showed us how strong concepts like Batman can be while also showing us how easy it is to miss the mark with characters that are supposed to be constants in their universe. Tomasi and Janin try their damnedest to make this issue something memorable, but it's not enough. The reactions of the other heroes feels disingenuous. This is a Superman that didn't make a lasting impact on readers or his world of story. That's a glaring mistake, and one that I hope DC can fix moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Jun 2, 2016

    Now I've read and hated the last issue of this run because it realizes everything that was wrong with the New 52 and sacrifices Superman to the alter of fan-tards to try and masks things better. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Jun 7, 2016

    Superman #52 fails at almost every level to make the end of Superman's story in the this comic feel meaningful. At best, it's rushed and hollow. At worst, it's outright forced by shoving one version of a character aside to make way for another that is almost exactly the same. The circumstances, context, and timing for this narrative can't be worse. Superman is being killed off in multiple mediums, so much so that the shock value just isn't there anymore. By failing to add substance to this story, it feels like a waste. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King May 27, 2016

    Quality artwork was wasted on a story that was as doomed as its flawed hero. Read Full Review

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