Teen Titans #69

Writer: Sean McKeever Artist: Sean Goldman, Yildiray Cinar Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 1, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
4.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Get ready for the debut of the new Teen Titans line-up! What surprising heroes show up as part of the team? Who made the cut and who got sent home? And where do they go from here? This special issue sets the stage for the "Deathtrap" crossover with TITANS, which kicks off in the upcoming TEEN TITANS ANNUAL!

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Apr 9, 2009

    This book still has to find a proper way to use its huge cast and find a proper tone for the team. They are suppose to be "teen" Titans but they sometimes behave like young kids while acting as grumpy as senior citizens. There is little of the youthful excitement that was crucial to previous versions of the Teen Titans. This team is indistinguishable from all the other 'teams' out there. The Teen Titans need a reason to be together. The original Teen Titans, the 'new' Teen Titans of Wolfman and Perez and the Young Justice team all had such reasons. These guys seem to be thrown together just so DC comics can have a TEEN TITANS title on the stands. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Comic Addiction - Isaac Magaña Apr 1, 2009

    Overall, I was content with the issue. I was able to follow the story and not become distracted by the quantity of characters in the book. Some moments felt flat to me but I believe that was mostly because of my lack of familiarity with the characters. The only one I really know is Blue Beetle. I’m going to try to stick with this team book and see how it goes. Right now, this book is not a must-read for me, but I hope something comes along soon that might change that for me. Plus, I’ve jumped on at the creation of a new team so in a sense I’m in at the ground floor. The only direction left to go is up. Read Full Review

  • 2.8
    IGN - Daniel Schmergel Apr 1, 2009

    The best thing about this issue is the art by Allan Goldman and Yildiray Cinar, which, while not particularly notable, is certainly serviceable. But, as for the rest, it serves as an extremely disappointing beginning to the newest era of the Teen Titans. Read Full Review

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