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Teen Titans/Legion Special #1

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Barry Kitson Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
5.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 10, 2004

    A very impressive effort as the book's two pencilers do a near seamless job of matching their styles so that if it wasn't for the credit box I could've sworn that this was the work of a single artist. The art does a great job of capturing the overwhelming nature of the threat that the teams are up against, as there's a number of big impact moments, where the idea that the villains vastly outnumber our heroes make for a powerful bit of imagery, with the issue's double page spread of the villain's arrival being the visual highlight of the issue. There's also a number of smaller visuals that are worth a mention, such as Superboy's arrival in the issue wearing his Teen Titans uniform, and while there's a slightly cheesy quality to it, I can't deny that the image of the Legion being pulled through the time-stream shaped like an L made for a powerful final shot of the team. The final page shot of the new Legion also made for a nice closing image. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Oct 10, 2004

    The premise for the new Legion series seems to be a new twist on the classic kids vs. adults conflict. In the perfect future, kids are strictly controlled and monitored by the state until they become adults. Presumably, they then become obedient members of society. This Legion is reviving the ideals of the old age of superheroes and creating a counter-culture among teens. Youth rebellion in utopia. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Oct 10, 2004

    Waid and Kitson have opened themselves up here, I think, to tell new stories while picking their favorite versions of old characters, mixing and matching with no need to repeat the past, but it seems clear they havent forgotten it either. I dont know what they have in store, I dont know if its going to be Mordru and the Fatal Five and Tyr and Grimbor and Charma and Mekt and Khunds all over again, but theres clearly a new vision in place. Their challenge, as always, will be to keep the Legion young and yet super-capable and smart. Theyd finally aged to where I wanted them to be under DnA, but Im more than willing to go through it all over again. As long as the quality doesnt sink to pre-DnA levels. The passable score given this issue is in large-part due to this second story, which seems like a must-have for a Legion fan. As this is not an over-priced, card-stock style special, its worth it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Oct 10, 2004

    Regular readers of Teen Titans and the recently-defunct Legion would do well to pick this issue up to see how everything shakes out; in the case of the Titans, events in this book lead directly in to upcoming events, while Legion fans may simply be curious. This will, of course, be of extra interest for those who plan to buy the new Legion ongoing, or who may be undecided and would like a taste of whats to come. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Oct 10, 2004

    For now though Ill keep reading Teen Titans. Read Full Review

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