The Trials of Shazam! #2

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Howard Porter Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 27, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Enter Freddie Freeman-left powerless by the events of DAY OF JUDGMENT and BRAVE NEW WORLD-who finds his life outside of being Captain Marvel Junior in even worse shape. The good news: Freddie is given the opportunity to regain his abilities…if he can pass a few tests administered by the gods themselves. The bad news is he has to earn each and every ability from scratch!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Oct 13, 2006

    In The End: The last hurrah of Captain Marvel is over, and the trials have begun, which is a rather showy and almost pretentious way of saying, this series is off to a fine start. The concept that Zeus isn't a god but a station is an interesting one and a great take on the Shazam concept. The end of this installment was funny but also had an edge of horror. So far everything is off to a great start, and if things continue in this direction and people actually buy, read and like Winick's ideas there may be a new Shazam series for the first time since 1999. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Oct 2, 2006

    Trials of Shazam #2 was a better than average read. Yeah, it was slow, but Winick needed to use this issue to properly set the stage for the rest of this series. I have no problems with what Winick has done to the Marvel Family. I understand the complaints, but I'll reserve final judgment until further into this series. I still think that this series will end up being pretty good. Read Full Review

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