PS238 #26

Writer: Aaron Williams Artist: Aaron Williams Publisher: Dork Storm Press/Henchman Publishing Critic Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
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  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Oct 15, 2007

    There are two more points to complete my analysis of this excellent issue. One, Aaron Williams art continues to work impressively well, creating a maximum effect from what appears to be a simplistic style of artwork. I still think this series would benefit greatly from a color presentation, but Im sure the budget is probably pretty tight. Speaking of which, my second point has to do with the value of each issue of PS238. Williams packs so much into a $2.99 comic (a 25-page feature, plus five extra strips) that it actually makes me angry at DC and Marvel for the amount of advertising they fill their issues with. PS238 is cover-to-cover enchantment that delivers each and every time I receive it, and creates a void in my reading activities when I finish an issue. Read Full Review

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