Bettie Page #3

Writer: David Avallone Artist: Julius Ohta Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: April 10, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
9.2Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Bettie and Lilibet, together again for the first time! Two queens from opposite sides of the tracks may be the only ones who can stop an alien invasion! Or is there an even deeper treachery afoot? If you loved THE CROWN but thought it needed more flying saucers, pick up the next exciting chapter of The Secret Diary of Bettie Page! David Avallone (Elvira: Mistress of the Dark) and Julius Ohta (Sherlock Holmes) take you back to a 1952 you never dreamed of, in the third installment of THE PRINCESS AND THE PIN-UP.

  • 9.5
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Apr 9, 2019

    My only complaint is the lettering. In the panels where Bettie is wearing the helmet. It is barely visible due to the fact that her voice sounds lower. The letterer chose to have the lettering fade to a point where even the most sighted person would have to squint in order to read this dialogue. I have friends that are partially sighted who read comics that would have struggled with this. So I have to address this issue by asking if there might have been another way to sell this fact in the story. Instead of fading the text so much. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - lizzylynngarcia Apr 12, 2019

    Overall, Bettie Page #3is another wild, action ride for the espionage agent. This character's femininity speaks to me which is probably why I continue to love this book so much. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 10, 2019

    I'm still surprised at how much I enjoy the Bettie Page series since I kind of started it a couple of years back figuring it wouldn't be interesting at all. But Dava Avallone has so captured the right voice with all of this that it becomes an enchanting and exciting period spy thriller with the right kind of light touch. This issue brings her fully into Queen Elizabeth's circle and it works far better than it should, both through the dialogue and the artwork. It's fun, light and breezy, but still carrying the weight of what's been going on since the very start with the UFO scare and the various plans in motion to take advantage of it. I loved seeing Bettie teaming up with the Queen here and getting things done in her own particular way with skill and flourish amid a few stumbles and concerns. Very fun stuff and a hidden gem. Read Full Review

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